Father Petrelli.

“It’s…Sam to see you William.”

“It’s…Sam to see you William.” The receptionist called. I straightened my suit jacket, stood up and extended a hand to the man named Sam. No last name was given.
“Welcome. Would you take a seat please?”

“Thank you.”

“Now, would you like to start? You can talk about anything you want.” I looked at Sam closely. He seemed to be a well-off, educated sort of man. I didn’t have to wait long, as he dived quickly into his story.

“When I was a young boy, I remember a man. He was a special man. My family loved him. He was well respected in town.”

“You don’t have to say any more if you don’t wish, Sam.”

“No, Doctor. I want to. He told me: ‘Now Sam, don’t tell your mummy or daddy. God is watching us always, and my time of penance will come.’ I guess his time came.”
Sam laughed. It was neither bitter, nor angry. Pure notes of merriment.
“I always wanted to go to them and say, ‘Mum, Dad, Father Petrelli violated me.’ Just to shake things up, but I heeded his own prophecy of doom. Even as a nine year old child, I always kept my mouth shut, unless I was asked.”

I shifted in my seat as he told me the next part.

“As the years grew on, and I grew up, I started going to church less and less. You know how teenagers are. But I never stopped seeing Father Petrelli. I was 23 when I stopped…visiting.” He smiled a rueful smile. “Towards the end, I divulged to him that I enjoyed it. He seemed less eager than before. The feeling of him inside of me…when he came, he’d smack me…he didn’t when I was a child, I guess it would have been obvious, but when I got older, he would bruise me…” He trailed off in thought. “After he hit, he’d tie me up and start sucking on my cock. He’d do things…things my girlfriends would never have done…the way he nibbled on my shaft…” I took a few small notes. “He would suck on me until I nearly came. It sent me absolutely MAD.” Sam started to get angry. His hands were balled into fists, his brows were knitted together. “Why was it that only HE could spoil the hallowed hall with his loin? I asked him that once and he beat me so severely…”

I decided that now was the time to speak.

“Can you tell me now-” I was cut off.

“Yes.” Sam smiled. “I killed him.”