With the Lips of an Angel, Comes the Eyes of a Monster

The Promise...

I woke up a couple of hours later, to hear Brian talking on the phone looking in his dresser for something to wear.

"Johnny, dude, chill I know you want to find yourself a girl but dude you are literally depressed." I heard Brian say on the phone.

"I told you I don't know if I can go to the club tonight, I need to ask Britt when she wakes up, I'll just call you later dude." He said as he hung up the phone. I walked over to Brian and placed my arms around his waist.

"Hey hey my sleeping beauty is up!" He said, while placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Who was that on the phone?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist tighter.

"Oh just Johnny, He's really lonely and the poor fella needs to find himself a good girl, so he wants all of us to go out to a club with him tonight." He said as his hands roamed around my sides.

"Well we can go if you want to, and I think I know the prefect girl for Johnny, I met her while you guys were on tour." I said as I placed a kiss on the tattoo on his chest.

" So who is this girl? Invite her to come tonight!" He said.

"Oh her name is Mary and me and the girls met her when we went shopping, she's really pretty and rad, I think Johnny will defiantly fall for her." I said as my fingers walked one by one across his chest.

" Let me call Johnny and tell him, and then we can get ready." He said reaching for his phone.

"Damn babe I just can't get over how buff your fucking arms have gotten." I said as he just smirked and placed a small kiss on my lips.

We walked in the club, and met everyone in the V.I.P. section, when my cell phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked not knowing who the person was because the I.D. was unknown.

"Hey Britt, it's Mary where are you guys?" She asked.

"Oh I see you! we are in the V.I.P. section doll." I said jumping up and down and waving my hands in the arm.

"Oh I see you, bye." She said hanging up the phone and walking towards me. Me and the girls practically tackled her to the ground.

"Ahhhhhh Mar. I missed you ass." Val yelled.

"Well i missed you all to, uh now can you kinda help me off of the floor?" Mary asked as i reached out to help her up.

" So Mary let me introduce you to everyone, that tall skinny string bean over there is Jimmy, over there is Matt and the guy he is talking to is Zacky, this sexy muscle man beside me is my boyfriend Brian, and the short stuff beside him is Johnny.Oh and you know Mickie,Val and Leanna." I introduced her to the guys and they all waved and said 'hey' back, except for Johnny. He held his hand out for her to shake and asked her if she wanted to go dance, and after that they were just inseparable.

Tonight is such a good fucking night! Me and Brian for once haven't got in a fight, well yet.

"Hey babe, I'll be back in a second, I gotta go piss." Brian said as he kiss my head and made his way towards the bathroom.

"Yo Britt get you ass up here and dance with me, I love this fucking song." Mickie yelled as the blaring sound of 'Get Low' by Lil' Jon, blew threw the speakers of the club. I jumped on the table and started dancing with Mickie, when i saw Brian walk back in with a 'pissed off' expression on his face, so i jumped off of the table to ask him what was wrong.

He walked in with his fist clenched and sat down on a couch. Something told me that this was going to start a damn fight! I grabbed a beer and sat beside him.

"What's wrong Brian?" I asked as I looked into his dark brown eyes.

"Nothing now can you leave me alone right now?" He shouted.

"Um okay baby, you don't have to fucking yell at me!" I demanded as i slammed my drink down and got up.

I glanced at everyone in the room, Matt was holding Val and talking to Jimmy and Leanna, Mickie and Zacky were making out, Johnny and Mary, well Lord knows where they went or what they were doing, and then there was me and Brian, arguing as usual. When we would get in fights, it was like he was some one else. He would be so loving and caring one second and then the other he would be ready to bite my fucking head off.

"Wait babe, I'm sorry! Can we go home now?" He asked in a sweet sorry manor.

"Whatever Brian!" I said pissed off.

"When we get home we need to talk!" I said making him shake a little as he nodded his head yes. we got up and told everyone bye and then left.

When we got home, we walked upstairs in our bedroom and I slammed the door shut.

"Brian I'm fucking tired of you acting like a dick to me, what the fuck is you problem?" I yelled. He reached out to grab me into a hug but I pushed him away.

"Don't try to apologize, I don't know what the fuck you deal is! Are you bipolar? because you sure fucking act like it Brian!" I yelled as i paced back and forth.

"Bbbut baby, I'm really sorry, I just didn't get enough sleep, I'm just tired....." He cried but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare give me that bullshit." I was holding nothing back right now but I was soon starting to feel remorse because I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

"Baby, I'm sorry and I'm going to stop being such a jerk...I really love you can you just please forgive me?" He gave me the weakest smile that mad me feel like a bitch for yelling at him.

"Brian you have to promise me because this arguing and fighting is wearing me down." I said helplessly.

"Okay baby, I swear I promise!" He said as he held my hand.

"Okay Brian, I guess that's good enough, I love you." He held me in his arms and kissed me.

"Now I suggest that we go to sleep so you won't be such a cranky bitch tomorrow." I laughed as i went to go get dressed for bed. As Brian held me in his arms, I wished that tomorrow was going to be a nice, fight-free day.

I woke up the next morning to find Brian still sleeping, so i went down stairs to get some coffee and watch T.V. so I wouldn't wake him. I soon got bored and decided to go back upstairs to bed. I laid there for awhile, and then I felt Brian's arm move and I heard him grunt.

"Good Morning baby, I love you." I said as he yawned.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled.

"Babe, you are pretty funny." I laughed.

"I'm not trying to be 'funny' and don't call me fucking babe." He yelled again and stood up out of bed to get dressed. I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Babe are you okay? Don't you remember out talk we had last night?" I asked confused as I had ever been.

"Fuck that shit, NOW GET OFF OF ME!" He shouted as he grabbed my arm and pushed me as hard as he could into the wall.

"Brian what the fuck is wrong with you, why did you fucking push me?" I screamed and cried as I looked down at my bruised arm.

"You fucking deserved it bitch, I told you to leave me the fuck alone but you didn't." He said calmly as he walked out of our room and towards the steps. I ran after him and grabbed his arm.

"Brian, don't you ever fucking push me like that again." I whimpered.

"Oh so you don't want me to 'Push you like that?' Well how about this?" He laughed as he threw me down the stairs. I couldn't say anything, I was fucking speechless and hurt, all I could do was cry in pain. I quickly tried to get up and shake it off but my body wouldn't allow me to move.

"GET THE fuck UP!" He yelled but i just couldn't move. He picked me up by my hair, as I screamed because more pain was setting in, and he kicked my ribs, and then threw up against the wall.

"BRIAN STOP STOP DON'T DO THIS!" I begged but it only angered him because he slapped my face.

I went to grab my cheek that I could feel bruising, like the rest of me, but Brian stopped me from doing so. He slapped me again but not as hard as before, and pulled my hair, jerking my head back against the wall.

"Now see what happens when you don't listen? I'm going out now, I love you babe." He said as he dropped me to the floor and walked out of the door to leave. I laid on the floor crying and to scared to move, When I heard my cell phone ring from upstairs. I crawled to the door and locked the door and then went up stairs to answer my phone. I quickly grabbed my phone and the Caller I.D. read : Matt.

"Hello?" I was crying uncontrollably.

"Britt, it's Matt, what's wrong? Oh my God are you okay?" He asked.

"No, me and Brian got in a fight." I cried.

"Another one? damn Britt, I'm getting tired of that shit! All you guys do is fight and this can't be good for the band." Matt sounded slightly pissed at me.

"But Matt he h....." I was cut off.

"I don't care, just stop fucking telling me all the drama that you and Brian have. Bye." He said hanging up the phone causing me to feel vulnerable. I called Zacky, because i knew he would listen to me.

"Uh hello?" He asked.

"Zack, It's Britt." I cried.

"Britt, Why are you crying? Did you and Brian get in a fight again?" He asked in a caring voice.

"Yyes, except this time it was worse. He h..." I paused because I couldn't believe that Brian had done what he did.

"Oh my God, Did he hit you?" Zacky said sounding worried.

"Yes, but he did worse." I said.

"That fucking bastard! Britt you need to come over, I'm at Matt's house, here talk to Matt." Zacky said.

"Buut Zacky Matt is mad at...." I was cut off again and i heard Matt's voice.

"I told you I don't want to hear your problems." He yelled as he handed Zacky back the phone.

"Britt, what else did he do to you?" Zacky asked completely ignoring what Matt had just said to me.

"He slapped me, threw me down the stairs, kicked me, and pushed me." I stuttered.

"I should've told you..." He said.

" Tell me what Zack, tell me what?" i asked.

"Brian use to take steroids, he would have these horrible mood swings, he even beat the shit out of his ex girlfriend Amy, He stopped taking them when he met you and we all believed him, He's a fucking liar!" Zacky said.

"You all knew and you didn't fucking say a word! He could've killed me, and you never fucking told me." I yelled.

"Britt we thought he had changed." Zacky pleaded. I quickly hung up the phone. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and i looked like i had been practically murdered.

I had bruises everywhere, a split lip, my wrist wouldn't move, my ribs felt broken, and I was wheezing for air. At seeing this, i cried more.

"How could my best friends let this happen to me? How could Brian do this to me?" I cried out loud.

I decided to go to Matt's house because i knew I would be safe there, so I quickly got dressed in a long pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt to hide my bruises. 20 minutes later, I pulled up in Matt's driveway and parked my car behind Zacky's. It hurt so bad to walk so I had to limp and I had to hold my ribs because the hurt so bad. i walked in only to find everyone sitting in the living room, everyone but Brian.

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't know." Matt said running up to me and engulfing me in a secure hug.

"Oh really? because neither did I." I said pushing him away. I sat on the couch beside Zacky and the room went dead silent as everyone watched me struggle to sit down.
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Thanks for reading
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*shoutout to Mary*