‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

kill me now

[[mikeys p.o.v]]

Kill me now.

'This cant happen. it cant. i wont let it happen.
She has to remember. she has to.
she's joking. she has to be joking.
this cant happen.' i kept on repeating in my head.

"who are you?" she asked me with a extreamly confussed face one.

"jade its me, mikey" i said

"i.......i do.....I dont know anyone" she said and looked around the room.

"jade, yes you do. its me mikey. remember?" i said about to cry. she shook her head.
My best friend doesnt even remember me because i didnt fight hard enough.

"mikey," gerard started but i tensed when he put his hand on my sholder.

"dont gerard." i said and smacked his hand off.
"just dont." I just stared down at the girl that littleraly saved me from myself, who doesnt even remember saving me.

"jade?" lauryn asked.
Jade didnt look up.

"jade..." lauryn nugged her.

"oh.. its that me?" she asked.

"yeah. thats you. your Jade phillips" lauryn said.

"thats a nice name" jade smiled

"do you know who i am?" lauryn asked.

"should i?" jade asked confussed and looked like she was in deep thought.

"yeah, you should" lauryn sighed and a hurt look covered her face.

"im sorry. i just dont..how did i get here?" jade asked.

"you got here because i didnt fight hard enough" i said and left.

"mikey!" frank yelled out to me as i walked out of the room.

"mikey!!" frank yelled again running after me.

"SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ME!" i yelled running though the doors.

"mikey! wait the fuck up!" frank burst through the doors.

"she- i .. how can she not remember!!!" i cried.

"i dont know mikes" frank said

"frank...i...i need her to remember. she has to.. i cant- i cant live like this. he not remembering me!! she's my best fucking friend!!!!! i need her back!! i need my jade back!!" i fell to my knees.

"we all do mikey. we all do" frank cooed as he tried to calm me down.

"frank i need her. like .... this whole.........this whole thing!!!..its fucking brakeing me now!!.. i need jade!! i need her now!! i cant wait for her fucking memory to come back!!! I NEED HER NOW! with out her.. i ....i ju-................." i looked down at the ground " i just cant live with out her. and now... i cant even hug her! she might get scared and not want to talk to me again!! frank! i need her!" i pleaded.

"mikey, think of how jade feels! she doesnt even know how she got there!! never the less who she is!! stop being so god damn selffish!! god!" frank yelled at me.

"frank i cant help it...i think i...i think i might l-" i got cut off by gerard and everyone helping jade come out of the hospital.

"they said i can leave today! i just have to come back next week to make sure im not dead" jade smiled.

"hello mi..mikey is it? yesh! HELLO MIKEY!" jade squealed.

"why is she so hyper?" i asked.

"oh.. she's drugged." gerard laughed.

"on?" i asked.

"ask frank." gerard grinned and leaded jade to the car.

"frank? care to explain?" i asked him.

"NOT MY FAULT! I WANTED HER TO MAKE HER HAPPY!!" He yelled and ran towards the car where my mom and dad were.

"hello jade. how are you feeling?" my mom asked.

"who are you?" jade made a confussed face.

My mom had a sad look on her face.
"im donna sweetie. and this is my husband don" mom pointed to dad.

"oh. cool. ello donna and don" she smiled.

"skittles?" my dad sighed.

"skittles." i replied.

"some one contain her untill we stop moving" he laughed.

"ai-ai captian!!!" frank said and laied ontop of jade.

"hey mister!! can i have some more pwease?" jade asked.

"sure yah can babe" frank took out the bag of skittles.

"MINE!!!!!" jade laughed and stole the skittles and fell. landing on my lap.

"well hello there mikey. do you mind if i use your legs to keep me from the ground??" she said this in a fake british accent.

"you already are, i dont see the harm" i grinned at her.

"hah. even if you were to say no i was going to stay on. good choice" she grinned back at me.

we can help her remember, im not letting her do this alone