‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

To call or not to call

The day after jade woke up she was released and she was given some pills to keep her 'events' as mikey calls them, to a level two on a scale from 1 to 5.
Mikey was extreamly stressed the whole week and jade was out, i felt bad for him.
Mikey is my only brother and it killed me to see him like that. I mean yeah, jade is like my sister, not really, no, never. but still, i love her to death, and she and mikey are like tumors to each other.
like salt and peper, with out each other they dont function all that good. you need the balance.
Mikes hasn't been eating that much, through sleeping out the window.

"hey mikes, you okay?" i asked him as i pulled him aside from everyone.
"me? ahh.. yeah. im fine. just peachy" he gave adam a death glare and got out of my grip.

I sighed and dragged myself inside. I walked passed everyone with a look like 'if-you-bug-me-you-die' and they left me alone.
Jade and adam were on the couch talking when i walked into the living room. I looked at them, enveied them because i couldnt do that with the person i wanted to.
I saw her,
talked to her,
hugged her,
just never.. never took that risk of telling her.
Anything that reminds me just breaks me.
I want her.
I belong to her
I need her.

I'm dissappointed in myself, im a cowered. I can't bring myself to call her and when I do and she picks up, i freeze. i through the phone and then yell at my self.
'cower, fucking cower, can't man us to make a friggen phone call!!'

I laied face down on my be and the got up. Im to nervious to sit down.

"g-babe?" jade came down as i paced back and forth across my room.
"gerard." she came in front og me, almost making me crash into her.

"hu what?" i asked distracted.

"whats wrong?" she asked as she pushed me against my bed making me sit on it.

"ahh.. nothing!! im fine!" i tried laughing it off.

"mmhmm.. truth.NOW." she demanded as i laied back against my head board.

"ah.. but im fi-" she cut me off.

"gerard. I love you, okay? i want to know what's wrong with one of my best friends, and if you say 'im fine' again i'll shoot you" she joked the last part.

I sighed in fustration and covered my face with my hads.

"i need to call... i know i have to.. i just-" i dont know what to say.

"give me your phone" she stuck out her hand.
"what?" i asked
"please.." she added.
I just gave it to her.
"number PLEASE" i reliezed what she was doing.
"its number 4 on speed dial" i sighed and closed my eyes.

It staied silent for a second or two and then jade started talking.
i tried to memorize jade's voice.
She really has a nice voice, might be good for singing.
I think all the yelling and crying though out her life did a toll but its still beautiful.

"hello? hi this is gerards....friend i guess you can say.. and he would LOVE you talk to you. My names jade...... I might, i dont remember since i woke up from my coma...I dont know.. i have to ask mikey to see if i know you...haha he is one isnt he!! yeah.. i just love him to death...haha.... okay i'll talk to you later here's gerard" and i opened my eyes seeing jade smile down at me.

"dont screw this up" she whispered as she handed me the phone and sat on the end of my bed. I looked down at the phone and then reliezed she was waiting.

"he-hello?" i asked into the phone
"gerard?" oh god i missed that voice
"yeah" i smiled.
"GOD! i've missed you." she sighed happily.
"ha. i know! i've missed you to babe" jade looked at me with a eyebrow up and a grin forming on her face. I just waved at her to leave, she just moved to the couch.

"so..what have you been up to?" she asked me.
"me? oh.. not much, jade's been alittle trouble," i grinned at jade and she smiled and mouthed 'you know you love it' to me " mikey hasn't been himself, my parents haven't been much help, they are going to go on their second honey moon soon, 6 months to ourselfs. you?" i asked her

"me? oh.. i have been thinking of coming down like bob did for the school year." she laughed.
"sweet!" i yelled standing up making jade give me a funny look and then climbed over my bed to my dresser.
We talked for alittle bit more untill jade yelled.
"SHUTUP!! AH!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS!?" she jumped infront of me still jumping.
"ahh.. let me call you back..bye love" i hung up looking at jade.
"love?" jade giggled.
"shut up!" i yelled embarassed "what you got?" i asked.
her hands were covering the thing up.
"dun.dundundundundundunduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn!!" she sang,and i was totally right! freaking killing singing voice, as she revieled the yo-yo under her hands.

"a yo-yo?" i asked
"A YO-YO!!" she squealed with delight and sat next to me on the bed.
"a yo-yo?" i repeated looking at her as she amired the stupid toy.
"what are you? retarted or something? ITS A FREAKING YO-YO!!" she yelled
"can i have it?! please?! i love yo-yo's!" she pleaded.
"humm" i wanted to tease her.
"oh please g-babe!" she cried
"i don't know, its my FAVOITE YO-YO!" i said as she switched her seating to my legs, wrapping her legs around my waist, i felt kind of nervious.
"i'll take extra extra extra extra extra good care of it!!" she jumped up and down on my lap.
i grabbed her by the sholders.
"stop. and i dont know......" i laughed.
"oh please 'love'" she was making fun of me now.

-finish it later.