‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

To call or not to call part 2

"is that suppose to be me?!" i faked shocked.
"maybe..." she tilted her head to the side and smiled. "oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeasee gerard!! pleaseplease please my 'love'" she whined.

"fine.." i sighed. she grabbed my face into her hads and kissed me for exactly 7 seconds, yes i counted. She jumped off my lap and did a 'my-yo-yo-now-and-foever' and and sang along with it to.
I just sat there in a daze, oh shit, my pants are getting tighter.
"AH! jade!!! you have it ! get out!!! please!" i yelled and flipped over onto my stomach to fix my 'problem'
"mmkay! im gonna go show off my new yo-yo!!" she squealed and left to the door and stopped.
"thank you...my....love!" she said dramaticly. "arent you just so glad you called jenna!?" she laughed.
'not helping my problem here jade!' i thought.