‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

ice-pop and sushi date thats not planned plan!

[[for now on its just going to be jade's p.o.v unless told differently in the short description]]

I was looking at my yo-yo when i walked into the living room and tripped over the coffee table and landed on adam's and frank's laps.
"oh..hello there boys" i laughed.
"nice of you to drop in" frank said as i settled on adam's lap and my legs on franks. I smiled at adam and frank and then found my yo-yo on the floor on a pillow. I smiled and jumped for it, making mikey-who just walked in, get tackled in my super cool 007 move-which i'll love yo point out, he totally ruined for me!
As he landed on the ground i landed on top of his, our faces were not even a inch away.
I looked up and saw my yo-yo and crawled ontop oh mikey, army style, and grabbed it.
and then i reliezed what this could, and would look like.
"ahh..jade...your boobs are in mikeys face" frank laughed as he pointed out the obvious, which i was clearly missing. I looked down and saw mikey giggling. GIGGLING!
"oh crap! im sorry mikey-kins!! i just wanted my .... dun dun dun dun dunuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!!! AWESOMELY AWESOME ALL MINE YO-YO GERARD GAVE ME!!" i squealed in delight.
"aw cool!!" adam said jumping off the couch and sat next to me "can i see!? please!" he begged.
"humm.... i don't know.. this is my FAVORITE yo-yo you know" yes, i stole the whole teasing bit from gerard. he is such a bad influence on me.

"its your only yo-yo jade" lauryn pointed out.
"my point exactly my dear." i laughed.

I just laied on the ground next to adam and held my hands with my yo-yo up and looked at it as if it was a million dollars.
"yo-yo, yo-yo! oh how i love you yo-yo!!! yo-yo!!" i sang and laughed.

Adam did like a ninja roll and pinned me down.
"hey!!" i laughed.
"can i see your amazing yo-yo please!?" he asked seductively.
"NEVER!!" i giggled.
"fine, pay the concaquences" he came closer, me more nervous. He came about a inch away from my mouth, i felt his breath mix with mine.
"how about now?" he asked
"never for a billion years" i whispered.
He blew against my mouth and i felt goose bumps form all over my skin.
"oh god" i moaned and collied our lips together.

After 5 minutes of a intensive makeout mikey walked out in a crap mood and after that a fake coughed was heard.
Me and Adam parted and turned to see a bug-eyed gerard,bob,lauryn, and a ray and a really looking mad frank.
We fell into a silent awkward sitting in the living room.
"jade!!" lauryn screamed after 5 minutes.
"what the fuck!!!!??" she standed up
I kind of flinched because i though i was going to be slapped.
"i...i a..uhmm...." i studdered.
"i thought you said you loved me!" bob fake cried.
"oh no.. i still do" i cooed
"your gonna kiss me like adam then?" he wriggled his eye brow.
"no. sorry" i said and left the awkward room and walked into the kitchen where i found a not what i'd call it mikey.

"hey.. you okay?" i asked as he lifted his head from the table.
"me? oh yeah." he mumbbled.
"okay.. but talk if you need to" i said, he replied but i couldnt hear him.
"what?" i asked
"nothing" he sighed.
I walked to the frig and got out 2 ice-pops and sat cross mikey.
I handed him the green ice-pop and i had a blue one.
"thanks" he smiled.
"no problemo mikey-kins" i gave him the most warm loving smile i could, i want mikey back, i want to get him out of this funk his's in.

"so.." mikey said.
"all we need now i sushi" i said.
"yea. we do" he laughed, but a real light one.
"hey! i have an idea! what are you doing on friday night?" i asked him
"nothing." he shrugged
"want a ice-pop sushi date with me mister.way?" i asked
he laughed.
"sure, where do you want to go?" he asked, i thought about it.
"how about we just wing it. have a unplanned date, be spontanious" i suggested.
"okay, our plan is to have a ice-pop sushi unplanned date!" he said.
" i love the idea" i smiled
"i love it more" he laughed

we argued on how is wasnt possible/possible untill everyone came in and sat down with us.
We talked and talked and everyone left and then it was just gerard me and mikey.

"well.. go to bed now jade, you gots school in the mornin'" gerard said.
"yes DAD" i laughed and then stopped.
"what happened to my real dad?" i asked.
"ah... we'll talk about that later. bed.now" i sighed and stomped up the stairs.
I crawled into my bed and snugged in.
tomorrow i desperatly want to be a good day