‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance


Todays the day! the day i go to school with everyone and then complain about school being school and how my teachers suck or rock.
I was just getting out of bed when someone knocked on the door.
"come in!" i yawned and adam walked in my room with his hands over his eyes.
"gerard said you were changing. are you please able to the eye my dear" he giggled.
"did you just giggle?" i giggled.
"did you?" he asked, he looked so silly with his hand over his eyes.
"no comment" i laughed and went to the bathroom, it took me 15 minuted to shower, 10 for blow drying and straightening my hair and then 5 for make-up.
I walked back out in my towel and adam looked up.
"whoa jade!!! i thought we are going to take this slow!!" he said.
"oh shush, you know you like it" i laughed and then the door flung open and gerard with his hand over his eyes.
"JADE!! WE ARE LEAVING IN 30 MINUTES. i suggest you finish your, thing." and closed the door. it took me a minute to realize what he said and then burst out laughing.
"hold on" i said and grabbed my cloths and walked back into the bathroom, i spilt some good smelling gel on my shirt so i had to take it of and i walked back out to get another.
"i need another shirt, i have white stuff on mine"
Yet again the door flung open and lauryn stood there with her arms crossed.
"what is this?" she demanded.
"im getting a shirt on" i said.
"what were you doing?" she asked.
"taking a shower and then getting dressed and then putting on my make up and when i put my shirt on i got some gel from my hair on it and i dont want to feel sticky the whole day" i said getting mad that everyone properly thinks me and adam just freaking had sex.
"okay.." she walked out and i closed the door and locked it. im tired of people of just barging in on me.
I laied down on my bed next to adam. well.. we have-" he looked over at the clock "25 minutes left, what do you want to do?" he asked.
I rolled on my stomach, "think about it" i said seductively.

I roll over so I am away from him facing the ceiling. Adam just climbs on top of me straddling my middle, I squirm slightly under his weight.
"i have a few ideas" he smirked and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed back and adam trailed down my jaw-line making me moan loud. he smiled into the kiss and continued going left now. he trailed up back to my mouth and i kissed him and as we were in the middle of this mikey knocked and opened the door and he walked in and stopped dead in.
"oh. im sorry.. i knocked." he pointed to the door.
"uhmm....just come down when your ready.."he was really dull in his tone.

After another make out session me and adam walked down stairs and when i walked into the kitchen i fixed my hair so it didnt look so messy.
"well...." i said and looked over at frank who gave me death glares.
"uhmmmm okay..uhmmm" i said and got a ice-pop out of the freezer.

"your not going to eat breakfast?" gerard asked.
"because after some people have sex they are usually hungry" he said.

I dropped my ice-pop
"Is that what you guys think? i had sex with adam!?" i snapped.
"well from what i saw.. yesh" lauryn said.
"oh fuck off! im not a fucking slut! we were just kissing god damn it!" i yelled grabbed my back-pack and stormed off to the car with adam in tow.
"i really dont like them right now" i said as i walked down the drive way.
"want me to drive you?" adam asked.
"would you?" i asked
"sure thing love" he smiled and drove me to school