‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

mikey has magic skills?

As we pulled up to the school Gerard's car parked next to me and Adam.
I looked at them and walked towards the school i looked over and saw Adam some what in a awkward position.
"I'm sorry" i said and stopped.
"sorry?" he asked.
"yeah, i put you in this stop and now you in the middle of the fight! I'm sorry! i didn't mean it! i just- i don't know. they are judging us way to fast! i mean i don't even think i had sex with Zacky and Lauryn said i was with him for a YEAR! i mean seriously! I'm not a fucking slut and thats what they are kind of calling me! i didn't mean for you to get into this.....I'm really really sorry." i pleaded
He took me by the shoulders and said "if it means being with you, I'll take the death glares, the mean comments. nothing can stop me from liking to." and kissed me softly and hugged me, and of course i hugged him back.
"promise?" i mumbled in the crock of his neck
We parted and he slid his arm around my waist like Mikey did, i leaded my head on his left shoulder and looked over at the guys at the tree.
"wanna go over?" Adam asked me.
"i don't know." i sighed and looked over at the guys again. They were talking and looking over at me and Adam a few times before Mikey got up.
He walked over towards me and hugged me, it kind of took my by suprize and after a minute i hugged back, he wasn't like the rest of the guys who thought i was a personal whore for Adam.
"I'm sorry for their behavior." Mikey whispered.
I hugged him tighter and longer.
"Im sorry for being a jerk lately." i whispered.
"how were you being a jerk?" he asked as we finished our hug.
"Adam, can we have a minute alone please?" i asked.
"sure, I'm gonna go to my locker. talk to you later when we get your schedule?" he asked.
"sure" i smiled

Me and Mikey walked to a bench and staid quite for a minute.
"i really am sorry" i said.
"but why? i should be sorry, Im the jerk" he lowered his head.
"no.. i was...i was so caught up with Adam, i really like him Mikey, but that doesn't me i should ditch my friends for him. i mean, i don't know. Im just sorry, i feel its my fault your all sad" i said.
"its not your fault," Mikey said.
"Mikey, i know its my fault. every time Im near Adam when your in the room frank gives me death glares. it kind of gives it away that isn't my fault your like this" Mikey got wide eyed.
"no! no no no!! its not you!" he said, as if he was trying to convince himself.
"promise?" i asked.
"promise" he swore.
"okay." i sighed and hugged him.
"want to go see the guys?" he asked.
"why, so they can judge me again? no thank you. friends who don't believe the truth, aren't real friends" i asked crossing my arms.

"they are your real friends, they are just,.....confused i guess" he said.
"no" i said but it was to late, he was dragging me over to the tree my my arm.
"no! i don't want to talk to them! they are being mean and so !! MIKEY!!" i pleaded.
He made me sit next to them. I gave them the best death glare i could and then got up.
"i don't want anything to do with these people" i said and got up.
"jade! wait I'll bring you to get your classes" frank said with a evil look on
"no thank you, Adam is- i got cut off by being dragged to the school wall.
He pushed me against the wall hard and i hit my shoulder and i felt my skin get burned a little, okay a lot but i didn't want to look weak.
"dude! so uncool! Adams bringing me!" i said rubbing my now burning shoulder.
"whats wrong with you?" he demanded.
"well.. thanks to you my shoulder hurt now. and nothing I'm fine" i snapped.
"you don't get it do you? you so clueless jade. you don't care if people get hurt do you?" he was yelling at me now.
"of course i care!" i yelled back
"then stop hurting everyone jade." he gridded his teeth and left me there wondering.
"hurting every one?" i said to my self.

I walked to the office and saw Mikey waiting,
"hey.." i whispered as i got closer.
"hey, frank ditch you?" he asked looking for frank.
"you can say that," i shrugged "no big deal" and then i linked arms, with my good arm not my shoulder arm frank hurt me on, and walked into the office together.
I got my schedule from some old mean rude lady who Im guessing, didn't have her morning cup of coffee.

"let me see you schedule please my lady" Mikey grinned. I gave it to him and rubbed my shoulder that is really hurting me now. When i took my hand away i saw it was covered in blood so i just hid my hand behind my back.

"aw sweet! your in all my classes!" Mikey said.
"SCORE!" i laughed.
"what we got now?" i asked him as we walked back over, even if i didn't want to, to the guys under the oak tree.
"ah.. i do believe we have science first" he laughed
"do i like science?" i asked.
"Lauryn said you liked the labs, your really good at school, she said you were on honor roll and everything," he said as he looped his arm around my waist, i copied his movements.
"yeah?" i asked
"yep" he smiled

"did i do any sports?" i asked.
"once again, Lauryn said you two did track and cross country together. She also said your a really good runner" he said.
"cool, i could dig that" i laughed
"you dig that?" he laughed my my vocabulary.
"oh yea, i surely dig that?" i laughed harder.

This is what i love, having a best friend to laugh with over nothing.
"ah" i calmed down on mikey's lap, my back facing the guys.
"whats wrong with you jade?" ray asked, he wasn't judging me this morning so i decided to talk to him.
"greetings earthling" i said in a weird voice.
"weirdo.." ray coughed
I fakes shocked.
"at least my hair wont suffocate me!" i faked cried, and ray just laughed.
Frank gave me a disapproving look and me totally clueless, i just finally got fed up.
"could you stop frank!?" i yelled standing up, everyone got a little shocked since i screamed out of nowhere.
"how about you!?" he shot back.
"stop what!? what are you talking about!?"
"stop fucking-" the bell cut him off.
"forget it, never mind!" and he stormed off
"FINE!" i grabbed my bag and stormed off like frank did but in the opposite direction, then back.
"mikey do you want to come to class or what!?" i snapped.
"after you cool down yeah," he said.
I just walked away again, and walked back again.
"i don't know how to get there" i mumbled under my breath.
"come on miss.hothead" Mikey sighed pushing me in the direction of our classroom
"It's going to be okay, i promise" Mikey hugged me
I hugged him back
"lets get science over with shall we?" i asked as we walked into the class room

--i'll finish it later--
im sorry but this is getting me really fed up