‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

Who are you?

Schools a breeze now, me and the guys are okay i guess now and today Mikey said I'm gonna meet some cool person. Seems alright.
"jade! come one! we're gonna be late!!" Gerard yelled up the stairs, i grabbed me drawing pad, which Gerard kind of pushed me into doing now, and my bag and ran down stairs, outside and into the car with Mikey,Gerard and Don and Donna, i heard they are going on their second honey moon, this was like last night and they are leaving tonight.
I felt so into the loop, not.

I slid next to Mikey and then Gerard came in and sat on my right.
"i hate the middle" i whined.
"deal with it." Gerard laughed.
"fine... I'm going to ......... kick you once we get out of the car and i call shot gun when we come back!" i said.
"no.. i do" Donna said.
"fine.. i call Gerard seat one the way back"
"and i call mine!" Mikey chimed in
"no fair! your not in the conversation" Gerard whined
"deal with it" i mimicked gerard
He just stuck his tongue out at me, i did the same.
"i swear, you two are not older the 3" don said laughing at us.

I took forever to finally get where ever we going.
"where are we?" i asked as we pulled up to a house.
"we're at grandma's, Elena's to you" Donna said
"oh..okay..." i guessed.
'i didn't know they had a grandma.' i thought.

We walked to the front door and then Don knocked on the door.
"coming!" it sounded like a old person, hence the name, 'grandma'

A old lady opened the door and smiled with a sigh.
"oh boys! you got so old! and Donna you look so pretty! and handsome don here....who are you?" she pointed to me.
"I'm jade" i whispered, i felt out of place, i mean I'm not even family with these people and im here.
"WHO ARE YOU!?" she asked louder as if i didn't hear her the first time.
I just hind behind Mikey, he giggled.
"she' jade, remember on the phone call? i told you about her" he said.
"OH!!! JADE!!!! oh why hello there" she winked at me, i gave a small wave.
' whats wrong with me? I'm not shy am i?' i thought as Elena ensured us to the living room.

Everyone was talking, i just took out my drawing pad and tried to remember, anything, but i came up blank. I sighed in frustration and just drew the flower in front of me.
' stupid flower, i don't like you, one reason is because I'm sneezing because of you and two, your not my memory.' i thought as i shaded in the back of the flower.

For some unknown reason i felt this déjà vu feeling i looked around and saw a picture.
I got up and looked at it.
It was me Mikey and Gerard.
I don't remember this picture, what do i remember?
I felt a tear crawl down my face.
I wiped it away furiously and slammed down the picture.
Everyone just became quite and looked at me.I slid down to the floor against the wall and hugged my knees.
I started a soft quite, you cant hear cry, then i me heart beat got faster, it felt like there was no more air in the room, like i was suffocating.
I picture started to form in my head,
"jade, jade, deep breaths,.. come on fallow me" Mikey pleaded.
But he was to late the panic attack was in mid drift.
I saw a young couple crying, and waving, i... i think at me and..... there's this man... a man in a smart suit taking my hand.. walking me away from them?
but why? why me? where are they going? who are they? The man brought me into a ... building. everything got warped and then there is another couple waiting for me...
they look familiar but i cant pin point it....
I started to scream, they were the couple from my other flash back....
"Mikey! Mikey! they are going to take me!!! Mikey!!" i pleaded, gasping.
"jade! breath for me baby please! breath! inhale exhale, like me come on" he acted it out.
The couple were yelling,beating, screaming a little girl, who is she?
The banner, it said 'happy 13th birthday..' i felt a relapse was happing, this already happened. leave me alone... please... my breathing got to a normal and my heart slowed down little by little.
I grabbed Mikey and sobbed into his chest.
"they.. Mikey... don't leave me please." i cried as i gripped his shirt harder and i tried to bury me head deeper into his chest crying, pleading.
"sh.. I'm not going anywhere..." he said.
"oh dear, is she alright?" Elena asked.
"ah... grandma.. you see jade....come into the kitchen I'll tell you the story" Gerard said as him,Elena Don and Donna went into the kitchen.
"sh..... its going to be okay, I'm here. I'll protect you i swear" Mikey cooed into my ear.
"Mikey, they are going to take me. they are leaving me and letting them take me away.. don't let them give up on me.. please" i cried.

After 30 minutes everyone came out of the kitchen but i didn't let go of Mikey, we just moved to the couch.
"oh baby..."Elena said as she came closer "i am so sorry!" she said hugging me.
I hugged back because she's the only thing to a grandmother to me now, i don't even think i had one...hum i have to see if i can remember that..

She gave me a cookie and and next to me.
"if you ever want anything come to me!" she said and hugged me one more time.

After another hour we had to leave.
"so..how do you like her?" Mikey asked Elena when we were leaving, i guess he thought i was in the car because he was smiling.
"oh! i just love her, you picked a keeper Mikey" he blushed.
"grandma. its not like that, she's my best friend" Mikey said.
"oh.. in that case... get smarter boy!" and he kissed her good bye and i ran to the car.

"so.." Donna said "how do you like her?" she asked.
"i love her" i smiled
"hum we do too" she laughed and we drove back to our house.

When we got there I ran up to my room and searched through my draw.
"come on come on... where is it?" i said to my self as i checked the next draw.
"are you looking for these?" some one asked behind me.