‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

don't you dare

I slammed my dresser draw.
"give them to me.. i need them" i turned around to come face to face with Lauryn.
"what's this? there was a 6 month perscription jade! 6 fucking months and there's 10 left!!" she yelled.
"i know! and i needed them!" i snapped.
"or have you just become an addict? she asked
"leave" i said threw my gridded teeth.
"jade, trust me-" i cut her off.
"trust you?! i don't even fucking know you!! how can i trust someone that i don't even know!!" i yelled at her. i grabbed the bottle from her hands and shoved her out the door, and locking it.
I slid down the door and started to cry. After 10 minutes of trying to get my breathing straight, i took 3 pills, i got up and sat down on my bed.

"i need a list" i said to my self. I got up off my bed and walked over to my dresser and got my notebook and a pen. I went over to my desk and sat down as i put the light on.

Things to remember

- my full name
-Mikey's full name
-everyone's full name
-who i am
-what i'm like
-what i like
-when's my birthday
-when is everyones birthday

I think my first goal is the easiest so i thought, and thought, but got nothing. i threw my pen down in frustration.
I want to know. i need to know. i don't think i can keep on acting when i don't even know how i am suppose to act.

"okay, so i know my first name.. Jade" i said. this part is where i got stuck.
As i leaned back on my chair there was a knock at my door.
"go away" i sighed as i walked over to my bed.
'being lonely is boring' i thought as i got my drawing pad out. I started to draw Mikey from memory, well memory from like a hour ago.
There was another knock so i got up and walked over towards the door, unlocking it.
"did you not hear my the first time?" i asked as i opened the door.
I saw Mikey with a plate of pizza, i suppose for either him or me.
"what's this?" i asked with one hand on my hip the other on the door knob.
"you know what it its, food. can i come in?" he asked lifting the plate for me to see.
"I'm angry if you haven't noticed" i said.
"yeah? well me too" Mikey said and pushed past me not caring for the answer anymore.
"Lauryn stormed out of your room earlier, why?" he demanded
"from the way you're acting i suppose you know?" i snapped
" i want to hear it from you, so then i know its true" he said placing the plate on my desk next to my list. " your full name is-" i cut him off.
"okay, fine I'm an addict, and i want to remember not be told" i said stealing the lost from his grasp.

"why?" he asked
"why?" i asked sitting down on my bed, Mikey fallowed me and sat on my right.
"why.." he was demanding the answer now.
"why what?" i asked playing clueless.
"don't fucking play games with me jade! why were you fucking taking o.d's!?" he screamed standing up, scaring me a little. I looked down towards the floor.
"i don't know" i said in a hushed tone.
"what?" Mikey asked not hearing me
"I.DON'T.FUCKING.KNOW.GOD DAMN IT!" i screamed standing.
Mikey just sat down on the bed covering his face with his hands.
"you're fucking killing me jade. killing" he said after a few minutes of a awkward silence.

"do you know why Lauryn was here?" i asked trying to change the subject.
"she wanted to see if you wanted to go to the track meet since you said you wanted to join with her" he sighed.
"oh.." i said. He looked at me, just looking me up and down.

"when was the last time you ate a good meal, like with the good food not junk crap?" he asked me, i just looked down again.

"god damn it jade!!! fucking killing me!" he yelled at me walking over to my desk and picking up the plat.
"eat" he demanded.
"no thank you, im not hungry" i said.
"no, your not going to be hungry when you die, eat.now." he gridded his teeth.
"no" i said
"jade do you want me to send you to freaking rehab or something?!" Mikey snapped.
"you wouldn't" i asked amazed staring up at him.
"yeah, i would. I'm not going to watch you kill your self slowly. I'm going to make sure you live till you're 100 year old, beautiful,wise and got like, 60 grandkids. and there is no way in hell at 15 with your 16th birthday in 2 weeks, die due to anorexia or a over dose." he said with tears forming in his eyes.
"really? 2 weeks?" i asked.
"yeah" he forced the plate into my hands, i just rolled my eyes.
"what day- no never mind i want to remember" i said taking a small bit of pizza.
"okay, done" i said handing back the plate to Mikey.
"JADE!" Mikey screamed, extremly mad.
"uh fine!: i took two more bite, but bigger and placed it on my night stand.

"i swear jade, you're fucking killing me" he sighed.

'franks right, all i do i hurt people' i thought as i stared at Mikey.

"I'm sorry." i said lowing my head.
"you are? well me too. sorry for trying to help you live" he said as got up. he walked towards the door and stopped.
"please give me my jade back" he said in a whisper turning back at me with tears in his eyes and letting one fall. "please" he was about to walk away.
I panicked and started to think. got it.

"don't you dare leave me Michael James Way." i said softly with a few tears streaming down my face.
"what'd you say?" Mikey asked turning to face me. I lifted my head, looking him straight in the eyes.
"don't you dare leave me Michael James Way" i said loud and clear now. His mouth dropped, he walked towards me and embraced me with the most safest loving, longing hug i think i have ever had.
"please don't leave" i whispered into the crook of his neck.
"never" he whispered back "never" he repeated
"i don't think i could, or want to, live with out you, please. never leave me. never" i pleaded he hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead,
"never" he swore