‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

such a beautiful blush...part 2 :]

'hum. maybe jade can help me with Lauryn, i mean they are best friends' i thought.
'no, then jade's gonna tell Lauryn that i don't trust her. not gonna happen, not Mikey because he might tell jade and as before tell Lauryn,hum.GERARD!' and i walked to the Way's house.
As i got closer i thought about Jade, i didn't mean to be such a jerk towards her, it's just....i don't know i think I'm just getting annoyed over the whole Mikey thing. i don't know. I sighed and knocked on the door, Donna answered.
She smiled "Frank! i haven't seen you in forever! come in come in!! Mikey's up in his room getting sad over a you know something that isn't going as planned" she winked.
'god! even Donna knows, does jade know but choose to ignore it!?' i thought as i smiled back at her.
"Jade's in her room sleeping like a baby and Gerard is down stairs like usual" I nodded and thanked her.
Destination: Gerard's room.
I walked down the stairs and heard him talking.
"this happens all the time! all the freaking time!" he sighed frustrated. I felt like being a secret detective like bond, James Bond [[a.k.a- 007]] and that reminded me of when i went all 007 and tried jumping out the car when we went to the beach, to meet Lauryn. That was the first time i meet her" i giggled at the memory , Gerard must of heard me because he came out of his room looking at me.
'way to ruin the moment gee' i thought
I walked into his room and flopped on his bed and just laid there in a daze when i turned towards him and then i saw that he was trying to draw me, i tried protesting and then he called me beautiful. I mean Lauryn doesn't even call me that. I looked down at the floor while i blushed.
A little after a second we heard jade scream so we darted up the stairs into Mikey's room. We fund jade on the floor rubbing her butt and Mikey was under his covers on his bed. After Jade and Mikey yelled,screamed about what happened making no sense to me what-so-ever, i thought about what jade could have remembered. BINGO!
i started to laugh, the first day in the way house, the first time i saw jade, half naked i remind you. That was a fun day, the first time i meet Lauryn.
After about 5 minutes of laughing we tried to cheer up Mikey but that didn't work all that well.
After me and Gerard went back down to his room and i plopped down on his bed.
"no drawing" i said as he picked up he drawing pad.
"but-" i cut him off.
"no, i came here to talk to you" i said
"oh," he said "yeah, okay, shoot" he faked smiled
'oh how i wish i knew what's going on in his head' i thought
"Lauryn and i are... i don't know!" i sighed
"what's up?" he asked
"i fell like she has to be with me not want to be with me, she has been very distanced and not her" i sighed.
"is she like you know, is her friend here this month?" he asked.
"what?.. oh! what the fuck? how should i know!?" i asked.
'that might explain her behavior' i thought
"i just don't know...." i said looking down.
"just ask her dude." Gerard said after a minute.
"i guess i have to" i said laying back on Gerard's bed.
"hey, did you know Jenna has a boyfriend?" he asked.
"shut up, seriously? dude I'm sorry" i said.
"yeah..me too" he sighed, i heard a scribble.
"GERARD!" i sighed laughing.
"FINISHED!" he sang happily.
"meanie!" i laughed.
"no you are!" he stuck his tongue at me.
"real mature Gerard" i laughed
" you're the meanie for being-" jade came threw the door, shooting daggers at me.

"I.AM.NOT.A.FUCKING.WHORE!" she slapped me.
"i thought we were over this!" i sighed rubbing my now sore cheek
"BITCH!" she yelled and whispered something into Gerard's ear.
"no, no..frank was just on skittles, he didn't mean it" he cooed to jade.
She just gave me a glare that could kill and left.

"I'm going to go and check on Mikey now." i said and ran up the stairs and went to mikey's room.
i knocked, once, twice, three times, no answer, so i just walked in