‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

cupcakes,pudding, and skittles.

[[okay i needed bob for this so he came back,the day jade woke up]]

[[jade's p.o.v]]

As i woke up i saw people i didnt reconize in my room.

i didnt know who they were so i asked.
"who are you?" i had a confused look on.

"jade, its me, mikey." a gorgeous guy said.

"i...i dont...i dont know any one" I said and looked around the room at people i didnt know.

afew minutes passed and the gorgeous guy walked out of the room mad, he said it was 'his fault he didnt fight hard enough' or something when i asked how i got here.

Another cute boy walked out and ran after him, he was screaming 'MIKEY!' so im guessing that was his name.

I looked back and saw people staring at me.
"uh..." i said feeling a bit awkward.

"jade? its me gerard, g-babe" he grinned.

"hello." i said shyly.

'There are some freaking hott guys in this room!' i thought to myself as i looked at some guys.

"so, how do you feel jade?" a girl, supposeable my bestfriend, Lauryn asked me.

"uhm..i'll tell you when i find out" i said and scrached my head.

"hu. understandable" she nodded.

"soo...do i know you people?" i nodded to a afro dude and a cool looking dude.

"uh! i feel so hurt!" the cool looking dude acted to be hurt.

"im sorry, i dont love you like i did yesterday" i sighed playing along [[a//n:shut up! i felt like useing some lyircs]]

"ah! but jude!! i love you even more than yesterday! doesnt that mean anything to you!?" he walked over and kneed infront of me.

I tried to hide my giggles.
"no." and i bursted out laughing.

"NO!! JADE DOESNT LOVE ME!!" and he 'fell' to the floor.

"its okay bob. get up. she doesnt love me either" the afro dude said.

"no. i love you" i grinned.

"SEE RAY!! IM UNLOVEABLE!!" bob said, whoot whoot i learned his name!

"fine. i love you too bob." i sighed.

"yesh!" and he hugged me.

"bob are you alright? like your...hyper today" gerard shrugged.

"jade just declared she loved me! how would you feel gerard?!" he laughed.

"yeah gerard?" haha i learned his name too!!

"i dont know. tell me you love me" he grinned.

"gerard i love you" i smiled

"whoa! JADE JUST SAID SHE LOVED ME!! bob! back off my woman!!" he laughed.

"never!!!!!" bob yelled and hugged me.

"hah. you guys are awesome" i giggled.

About a hour later i was able to leave this creepy place but i had to go back in a week to make sure i wasnt dead or something.

"ah..i need cloths" i pointed out.

"humm... here" gerard grabbed some cloths from a bag.
"use these"

I turned around and took off the paper dress and put on a t-shirt.

"no peeking" i said as i looked over my sholder with ray,bob,and gerard staring at me.

"hey, jade the nurse said you can go- WHAT THE FUCK?!" lauryn yelled.

"im getting changed. but the guys are looking at me. make them stop!!" i whined and started to put on some baggy pants that were WAY to big for me. they were falling off.

"guys!! stop looking at her!!" lauryn yelled

"oh.. its okay.. she said she loves us." gerard chirped in but not breaking the glaze at my body.

"i dont even know you" i said and passed but them.

"yea you do, you just dont REMEMBER. so i think we can look" gerard said.

"pfft okay." i said
"-cough-RAPIST-cough-" i fake coughed

"thats not nice!!" gerard joked.

"maybe im not a nice girl" i pointed out

"arent you?" he asked me

"as far as you know, i could have been, some..kind..of...hooker who kills my people" i made it up as i went along..

"i would be your person, it would be dying for" bob mumbled.

"ah!" i whinced at a pain in my leg.

"what!?" everyone yelled.
gerard grabbed me before i fell.

"nothing. a cramp" i made up.

"o-o..okay" lauryn said with worry one her face.

"lets get out of this place. i hate hospitals." i sighed as gerard helped me out the door.

I saw the cute boy walk up to me and slid something in my hand.
He smiled at me and i smiled back.

'i love having hott friends' i thought as i looked down.

'SKITTLES!!' i was about to scream out when the cute boy saw my reaction he grinned wided and handed me another bag.
I inhaled them like the drug they were, and now im reaaally hyper.

We went to the car and i meet some new people, don and donna, we were talking and i landed on mikey? i think it was... yeah! mikey's lap. I smiled at him and said im stealing his lap and he just laughed.

When people got quiet i got bord.

"pudding" i said and everyone looked at me.

"what?" frank laughed.

"pudding" i said again calmly.

"what about it?" he giggled.

"i want some" i said looking at my nails, they got long.

"your on crack" he laughed.

"no, i do skittles little man" i laughed and frank just glared.

"OHH!!! BURN!!" ray yelled laughing.

"that hurt my feelings" frank cuddled with lauryn.

"im sworry." i said like a 5 year old.

"you better be!" frank 'sobbed'

"im sworry fwankie. i wuv wou" i cooed and hugged him.

"i wuv wou too jade" he grinned and had and evil look on his face.

"what?" i tiltted my head to the side.

Mikey just looked at me like i was something to look at, i dont know.

"noooooothinggggggggg" frank sang.

"what!!" i yelled as we pulled up to a house.

"nooooooooooothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg!!!" he sang louder.

"WE ARE HOME!!" i learned donna said.

"where do i live?" i asked.

"here" she smiled

"where are my parents? i relized i dont have the same last name as you guys" i said confussed.

"jade..ah sweetie im sorry." donna cooed.

"for what?" i still was confused.

"your parents killed them selfs" she whispered.

"what? why?!" tears pricked my eyes, i had parents and dont even remember them!!

"we'll talk about this another time sweetie, its too much for you today." she hugged me and grabbed a bag from the back and went inside the house.

"what?" i whispered as i looked at the ground with thoughts over coming me.

I felt a poke at my side and i saw the gorgeous guy, mikey.
"you okay jadey-kins?" mikey asked me as he put an arm around me.

"who's 'jadey-kins'?" i asked him.

"you are. and im your mikey-kins" he smiled

"cute name" i smiled back.

"haha you better think that. you made it up" he tightened his grip on my sholder.

"hey mikey?" i asked him.

"yeah babe?" he looked down at me.

"what was i like before?" i asked.

"you were, i dont know how to describe it.. you were..my everything. you were cool, fun to joke around with but not to take anything seriously, except for the frank thing, but anyway, you were there for anyone, loved the music im into, you were some what on the nerd side, but a cute nerd at that," he grinned at me " and you were, i dont know, perfect in my eyes" he said.

"wow. i really liked me" i said.

"pfft, you liked everything" he said.

"im hungry" i said as we walked into the house.

"me too" mikey and frank said.

"CUPCAKES AND PUDDING!!" i jumped up and down.
darn frank for giving me skittles!! darn you!!

"hu?" they said in a union.

"lets make some cupcakes and some puddin' pwease!" i begged. hey, i have been eating hospital food through a tube, i want some real food!!....well real deserts. heh

"we have to go to the store mom!!" mikey yelled and grabbed my hand.

"lalalalalalala CUPCAKES and PUDDING! lalalallaalallala" i sang as me mikey walked out the door.

"HEY!! CAN I COME!?" frank yelled.

"NO!" me and mikey yelled at the same time.

"FINE! I DIDNT WANT TO COME ANYWAY!" frank faked sobbed.

"good, because you werent going to" i said as we walked down the drive way.

"FINE!" frank said and slamed the door.

"what a werido" i laughed.

"ahah, im telling him you said that."mikey teased.

"ah! you cant!!" i acted shocked.

"ah.. but i can" he winked at me.

"fine. ah! im tried of walking." i said and sat down on the road.

"we are like 3 houses away from my house though!" mikey laughed.

"piggy back ride mister?" i asked like a 5 year old.

"sure" mikey said and pulled me up.

"remind me to slap that cute boy for giving me skittles." i said to mikey as we entered the parking lot.

"you think frank is cute?" he asked shocked.

"yeah, dont you?" i asked smiling.

"i dont look at frank like that" he laughed.

"all the guys are cuties, that frank guy, that cool lookin dude, and that guy g-babe, he is HOTT" i smiled.

Mikey dropped me.

"EWWWW!!! YOU JUST CALLED GEE HOTT!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! AND FRANK!!! EWWWWER!!! and i guess you can think bobs in your words 'a cutie'" he ran around.
"hey! what about me?!" he asked "what am i to you?"

"you?" i asked.

"yeah me!"

"hum.." i looked at him hard.

"i think your..." i said i came about a inch way from his face, i felt his heart beat increase.
"beautiful" and i walked away into the store.

As i walked down the candy i saw all this candy that i wanted but i was only aloud one, since frank gave me some before.

I grabbed hte biggest bag of skittles for i can brag to frank later and went down the aisle with the pudding mix and cupcake mix. Chacolate or vinilla, this was hard.
I saw mikey finally come in with a werid face on.

"c or v babe?" i asked him.

"ahhh....C!!" he laughed.

"mmkay!" i grabbed two boxes of each and headed to the check out.

"hello kids." some old person said behind the counter.

"hello" i smiled

We bought the stuff and started for mikey's house again, but we were silente this time.

I looked around trying to see if i remembered anything, nope. nothing.

I glanced at mikey and i saw he was in deep thought so i didnt bother him.

We walking into the house and i saw frank.

"FRANK!! GUESS WHAT I GOT" i yelled jumping up and down.

"what?" he asked as he came into the room.

"a huge-moungest bag of...dun dundunduuuuun dunnnnnn!!" i pulled out the bag of skittles and frank's eye i thought were about to fall out of his head.

"FOR ME?!" he ran towards me but i put the skittles under my shirt so he wouldnt get any.

"nope.me." i said and walked into the kitchen and took out the pudding and cup cake mix.

"DAMN IT!" i yelled and mikey came it.

"what?" he asked.

"we forgot icing." i sat on the floor and pouted.

"i'll go get some. its okay" he smiled at me.

"really?" i asked happily.

"really really" he smiled and left.

"humm..gorgeous and nice." i laughed.

Gerard came in with a huge smile on his face.

"hey j-babe" he smiled.

"hello....g-babe?" i said unsure.

"right" he smiled.

"lalalalala im learning and some what. not really. maybe. who knows, remembering!!" i sang.

"so.. what you and mikey get?" gerard laughed at my hyperness.

"but im having skittles with mine. you guys are having plan" i laughed.

"heyy" he scrunched up his face.

"haha. your such a cutie. you know that?" i asked laughing

"you think im cute?" he asked shocked.

"no" i said.
he had a sad face one.

"i think your hott....wait am i aloud to think that?" i asked.

"AHHHHHH!! FRANK!!!" gerard yelled

"what?!" frank ran in.

"JADE THINKS IM HOTT!" he yelled.

"hey.. what about me?" he asked.

"your hott to. you gerard. but mikey is gorgeous." i sighed happily.

gerard and frank bursted out laughing.

"hey.. guys.?" i asked.

"yeah?" gerard gasped.

"do i have a boyfriend?" i asked and then the door rang.
"hold on i'll get it." i said holding up my finger telling them to wait.

I ran over to the door and opened it. there was this guy there.

"hello?" i had confussed look on.
"jade?" he asked.
"yeah?" i asked.
"its me, your boyfriend, zacky" he had an evil smile on.
"cool i have a boyfriend" i smiled.
"oh.. you have one alright.want to go get some coffee?" he asked.
"sure. GERARD! IM OUT!" i yelled and went to his car.

dude.! i have a boyfriend. lala..oh! my cupcakes and pudding! frank better not steal my skittles
And i was off with my 'boyfriend'