‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

this is my 'when jade's in the hospital i hang out

As i went up to my room i thought about what i could do, nothing. I sighed.
"this is boring" i stopped at jade's door and saw her lying on her bed sleeping, i walked over to her and put a blanket on her, silly girl left the ac on blast. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and smiled down at her, i pushed some hair out of her face and sighed happily.
'just as long as she's in my life, I'd be fine' i thought as i got up and walked to my room.
But before i left i took one last look at jade, she was smiling in her sleep, good dream i suppose?
"only if you remembered.." i sighed once again, today is my sighing day.
I walked to my room and hear people talking down stairs but i just zoned out.
I laid back on my bed, took out my c.d player and drifted off a little, into Mikey's world i suppose you could call it. i become oblivious to everything. After about a minute I felt my bed shake and weight on my right side i exited Mikey's world and came back to reality. Some one climbed on me as i opened my eyes.
"mhhm what...?" i asked as i rubbed my sleepy eyes.
"shh" Jade cooed "you should have told me but i forgive you" she said leaning closer.
"for what?" oh shit, she found out.
"shh" she said again but this time closed the gap between us by crashing her lips against mine.
My eyes shot opened and i was confused but didn't hesitate to kiss back hungrily.

"I.had.a.flash.back.and.you.were.on.top.of.me.like.this." she said inbetween kisses.
'guess not' i thought as i pushed her off.
"OUCH! that hurt like a mother!"

--I'm going to update later tonight because Emily is coming over :]--