‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

this is my 'when jade's in the hospital i hang out

"ouch! that hurt like a mother!" she cried as she rubbed her butt.
'i didn't mean to push her that hard' i thought
"ouch" she said again as Gerard and Frank came in and helped her up.
After they founder out at what happened they started to laugh.
"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" i shouted as i went under my blanket. Jade stormed off and Gee and Frank tried to cheer me up, that was a no go.
"don't" i said for their cue to leave. As i laid there wondering what's going to happen between me and jade there was a knock at my window a smile spread across my face when i looked up.
Alicia smiled at me and then gestured for me to open the window, so i did.
Alicia was a friend of mine that i use to have out with when jade was in the hospital. She's awesome but no jade, but hey at least i can talk to her about jade and all and get a opinion.
I mean I'd tell Lauryn but she's end but telling Jade or something.
I opened the window up and helped her threw but ended up tripping over air and landing ontop of Alicia.
"fuckkkkk" i groaned.
"OH SHIT!" frank yelled as he came in. " ah dude! sorry! carry on!" he said.
"dude," Alicia laughed "your head is all red" she said touching my forehead.
I climbed off of Alicia, helped her up, and walked over to my mirror.
"eh" i said rubbing my forehead.
"what were you doing?" Frank asked as I laughed.
"helping a retard threw a window" i said smiling at Alicia.
"HEY!" she yelled and smacked me arm.
"oh.." frank said as a awkward silence fell upon us.
"well.." i said "bye frank"
"hey, aren't you gonna introduce my?"he asked
"no" i said bluntly and he sighed.
"frank Iero" he said sticking out his hand towards Alicia.
"Alicia Simmions" she said shaking franks hand.
"now you have to burn you hand to get it sanitized" i laughed
"hey!!" she smacked my arm again.
"just kidding" i cooed to her as i ruffled her hair.
"hey again!!" she said as she fixed her hair.
"so..ah why are you here" frank asked.
"Mikey here" she pointed to me " I'm gonna take him to hang out with me" she smiled.
"oh.. okay.." frank shrugged "well I'm gonna go and check on jade.. later lovers" he laughed and left.
I looked over at Alicia and smiled, i grabbed her wrist and ran down the stairs to the front door.
"lets forget the world" i smiled at her as we walked out the door.
"bye guys! going out!" i yelled over my shoulder and intertwined my fingers with Alicia and smiled at her.

'forget Mikey,forget jade, forget everyone because you could get over her and move one'