‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

Grit your teeth and love

heyy i would love to point out that i have 12 people subscribed and i only got 8 comments.
yeah not to be mean but if you don't like my story just tell me so i can stop wasting my time
mmkay ?
I'm not trying to be a mean person right now but this is pissing me off a lot.
I'm sorry.


As I stared back at him, unsure of what to do, let alone say- Mikey came behind me.

"hey jade, who's at the...." he looked over my shoulder and just glared,
if i ever got that glare i would crumble at the spot.
"door." Mikey was gritting his teeth now.
"why are you here?" he demanded.

"I needed to talk to jade. that is if she want, or will talk to me" he tuned to me. I froze.

'should I? could I?' I thought as i stared back in a daze [[a//n:sorry i couldn't help it xD]]

"jade, so you want to?" he asked me.
I couldn't form the words.
"i...you ......" i stumbled over my words "what?" i asked out of breath

"he asked you if you want to talk to him" Mikey said, clearly impaction*.

I walked over the threshold, not knowing if this will be a mistake and stepped on the front step.

"jade-" Mikey grabbed my arm with worry and something that i can't define in his eyes.
"i ..... be careful please. for me" he asked.
"i promise" i said looking into his eyes, trying to find out what it was that drawn me in.

"i'll be inside" Mikey said but directing it towards our 'guest'.

"so.. what do you want to talk to me about?" i chocked out as we walked towards the side walk and sat down, but making sure i kept my distance.
He looked down and staid quite for a good 10 minutes, but soft mumbles as if he was talking to himself.
While thousands of thought ran in my head he finally looked up at me.

"I,...." he sighed "I'm sorry jade, and i miss you. i really do. I'm no sure why because of before but, when i see someone who looks like you or reminds me of you i just, i don't know! that's what's freaking me out. I'm sorry jade." he said acting nervous.

"why now?" i asked

"I'm sorry . it became over whelming, i thought maybe-... i don't know"

"yes you do know! because you wouldn't of been here telling me this, now would you?!" i snapped. He just looked down.

"I'm sorry jade."

"yeah? well me too! god every time i get better, happier- you come and fuck me up!" I said standing up.

"no i don't!" he said trying to defend himself.

"yes you do! you do... i swear you do. every time, my heart can be broken so many times! so don't look at me, don't breath neat me. don't even say my name. because I'm not going to fall for you again. I swear by Mikey. it's not going to happen.NEVER" i yelled at him and ran towards the door.

"jade! wait! i know why i came here!" he yelled after me. i turned around, wiping the tears away.

"what is it? why did you come?" i demanded

"Jade Ashley Philps, i love you!" he yelled at me. I just i don't know what i did. i just blanked.

"don't say that again.ever" i said and walked inside crying my eyes out.

"fucking 3 am and he came around, now mu day, no my week is going to be crap!" i said as i walked into the kitchen

"jade.." Mikey started.

"this isn't fair!!"

"jade..." Gerard said.

"not fair! i was getting better!" i cried sitting on the floor. Mikey's arms came towards me, i just pushed him away.

"don't touch me!" i yelled crying. I ran out of the room but Gerard blocked me. I tried to fight him off but he is to strong. I started to punch and kick to get away but his grip staid strong.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!" I cried into his chest giving up.

"shh.. I understand" Gerard whispered

"NO YOU DON'T! you're not me! no one understands! they can't they say they can, they say they care but they don't! you don't!!" i cried harder getting out of Gerard's grip but Mikey moved quick and cached me.

"jade, I care. I don't understand but i can relate some how. I'm not letting you get hurt again. He said hugging me, Gerard join in.

"i wont allow it.