‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

bizerk much?

A month passed since that night Zacky came to the house and told me he loved me.
[[a/n:sorry i forgot to put his name into the update]]
He looks at me in the hall and i just go the other direction.
I was walking to school today, i just had this sudden earge*[sp?] to be healthy,
yeah and that was a mistake.
Jade+morning+walking+WITHOUT coffee= not gonna happen
but i was on skittles because i found some in my draw around 3ish?
yeah, my sleeping hasn't been at its best lately.

As the school gates came into view i stretched my arms above my head and yawned.
I started to think about what i remembered lately.
I think i remember all of it so far,
i just don't want Mikey to find out.
So i act dumb when people refer to the past and Mikey would have to explain, again.
It's just, i don't know.
I think i'll just tell Lauryn that i remember.
I can trust her.

I walked into the school gates and looked around.
walking to school early means no one will be here.

I sat down at a random bench and took out my note book.

I wrote random things down due to boredness.

this is what i meant when i said i was worthless
You never gave a care,
i guess you just supposed you needed to be there.
But that's okay.
I can say I'm done with you now.
It's okay that no one cares i can try to go on by myself.
just me myself and I.
just need to keep a reminder to self:
living with out you is like not breathing

I sighed and looked up and saw Zacky staring at me.

i put my stuff away and walked into the school.
maybe some teachers are giving extra help?

people were starting to come but no one who might be willing to help me out here.
or anyone i could go over to and talk to get away.

It sent shivers down my spine and gave me goose bumps. I turned around and saw that smile, oh that evil smile.
"what do you want?" I snapped
"just what belongs to me" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the front doors.
"LET ME GO!!" I screamed. images from the night with Matt. fear ran in my vains keeping a permanent grasp on me.
"no! i have been waiting for a month now and you haven't gotten it yet!? you are mine! you were meant to be with me!" he gritted his teeth and increased his grip on me, I'm now going to have a bruise now.
"no i wasn't!" he dragged me out side now people looked on but saw that if they helped they might just get hurt.
I looked around, everything felt in slow motion.
I looked around for Mikey. faces blurred passed, nothing.
Tears rinked my eyes.
I tried pulling back, but his grip was to strong. i think he sprained my wrist he had such a tight grip.
I sat down trying to save time.
save me.
He just dragged me along and started to laugh.

"come on jade!" he jerked my arm and i screamed out in pain.
"some one! please" memories i tried so hard not to remember came flooding back.

"jade?!" some one screamed.
"help me!! please some one!" i screamed looking around from where the scream came from.
"oh my god! JADE!! let her go!" Adam came running over and pushed Zacky away trying to get me away.
"dude, not you fight" Zacky said as if he was just talking to a friend.
"yeah, she's my girlfriend, and it's my job to keep her safe. and your not helping me out now are you?" he said punching Zacky square in the face.

I curled up and a sob escaped my mouth.
"please. some one save me" i whispered as Adam picked me up.
i clung to him as tight as i could.
Dirt was all over me, my wrist was hurting like a bitch and my arm was bleeding from the bruise Zacky gave me.
"shh, i got you now. it's okay" he cooed
"don't let Matt take me please. don't put me in the car. please please. tucker said its okay. please" i said as Matt's face appeared in my head.
"i don't want to die. please"

"you're not going to die. i wont let you. i'll protect you,"Adam said as he walked into the school towards the nurse's office.

"good morning, oh gosh. you're a dirty little one aren't you?" she laughed and saw that i was shaking and crying.

"oh. okay bring her to the cot." he ordered Adam. he placed me down with care and smiled.
tears were in his eyes.
"she's gonna take care of you now. i'll go get the others-" i cut him off.
"no Adam, please, don't leave me." i begged
"okay. i wont" he said sitting next to the cot in a chair.
The nurse cleaned up the bruise and my wrist was indeed sprained, but not that bad.

I was still shaking when we left the nurses office.
"what do you have?" Adam asked me
" i don't want to be here" i said bluntly
"hum, want something to eat?" he asked me.
"i don't know, can we just get some coffee?" i asked
"sure. but i took the bus so its gonna be a semi-long walk. want a piggy back ride? only a kiss to get one." he smiled.
"i don't know..okay" i formed a small smile on my lips and kissed him.
"ready?" he asked as i jumped up on him, being careful with my wrist.
"tally ho towards the coffee goodness!" i smiled weakly.

By the time we got out everyone went quite.
"what, is there something on my face that you didn't tell me about?" Adam smiled up towards me.
"maybe" i shrugged

"jade?!" Mikey came towards me. i don't know why but a sudden anger grew inside me.
"you." i said getting of of Adam's back and walked towards Mikey.
"YOU!!! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LET HIM HURT ME! YOU LIED TO ME!! you fucking lied to me Mikey. i was so scared" i said hitting him screaming at him.
yes, i am a abusive temperamental.
"I'm sorry!" he pleaded. He didn't know it happened when it did. but I'm so broken, I finally need to show it.

"I'm sorry for believing you." i snapped and walked away.

Just walk away and maybe it wont hurt anymore,
since you know.
I'm worthless

[[a//n: yeah i know its crap but i need it to lead up for what I'm gonna do xD]]

you know i am obsessed with comments right ;D