‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

hugs and hang over

{jade's p.o.v}

You know that stage of waking up, when you're awake but way to lazy and tired to open your eyes, let alone move?
Yeah, that's the stage I'm in now.
I cuddled into my pillow and inhaled that scent that i came to love.
Wait. This is not Donna's detergent.
Hum, maybe Don messed with with the washing system or something.
I tired getting comfortable, but this bed was a lot more harder than my bed usually is.
I snapped my eyes open.
This isn't my room. This isn't my bed. Thi-
My train of thought was interrupted by someone putting their arm around my waist and putting my closer to them.
That is when i started to freak out.

I slowly turned around not trying to get who-ever to wake up.
I came face to face with Adam,
i felt relieved, but also afriad.
But then i looked down and saw that he was only in his boxers and i was in my underwear and bra.

'Oh Crap ' I thought as i got out of the bed as carefully as i could with out waking up Adam.

[i'll finish it in like, 3 hours. i gtg]