‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

jade, i need to tell you something.

I cleared my face and sat up so adam could have more room.
"hey" he said as i pulled the blanket over my head.
I muffled a 'hi'
"whats wrong?" he asked trying to take the blanket off my head. I sighed.
"adam, i need to tell the truth with you.-" he cut me off.
"your breaking up with me. yeah okay that's fine i'll just leave i guess, okay well-" i cut him off but putting the blanket over his head and making him lay down with me. I kissed him and looked him in the eyes.
"Adam, i like you ALOT okay? i dont ever want to break up with you." i said.
"really?" he smiled.
"really." he gave a happy sigh.
"good, because im not letting you breakup with me, ever." he kissed my forehead. "okay, continue, sorry i interrupted" he put his arm around me.
I took a deep breath.

"okay so when i woke up this morning i didnt remember anything, and i mean nothing so i freaked out. and then i looked down at you and i felt relieved because it was you, not some pedophile you know. but then i felt scared because you know like we could of done it and i was like 'AHHH!!!' because even though we were have been dating for almost 6 months now, i felt kinda scared because i remember my 13th birthday and im very touchy on that subject and then i wrote you a note because i had to leave before i had another panic attack and then it started to rain and i was like 'OH GREAT!' but i was sarcastic because as much as i love rain, that moment just brought down the love level i had with it.and then some hobo tripped me! thats how i got this giant thingy on my face that hurts like a mother now, and then mikey things i friggen screwed you and i dont even know how to answer the question!! AH!!" i gasped for air.

He had a confused face on.
"okay, yeah um what?" he asked.

"what did we do last night?" i asked him
"oh, after school i gave you a piggy back to the dinner, we stuffed out faces. then around 6ish i guess? we went to the new club, that bouncer had like horrible eye sight because we showed him out friggen school ID's" he laughed " and since you kinda strayed away from me for like a hour, that was the scarest hour of my life! i was looking but could NOT find you until i saw you at the bar with some weird looking guy- i found you drunk and i walked you back to my house, i didn't want Mikey or Gerard, since Don and Donna are gone, to kill you. and you passed out so i put you in bed with me. but i swear we didn't do that" he held his hand over his heart.

"okay, i trust you. i just you know. i found you in you boxers and me in my underwear and bra, and didn't remember so i was like 'uh,' you know.. so. thanks." i smiled at him
"for what?" he asked
"for not taking advantage of me like a normal teenage boy might have" i said looking down.
"jade, i would never do that.ever." he said "jade, I need to tell you something."
I looked up at him "okay sure. what?"
"okay." he to in a breath "When you love someone all your saved-up wishes start coming out. and you did that for me jade....what i'm trying to say is that..Jade Philips, I love you"
"i...uhm...I think i love you too, i can't describe it, but i think .. " IDIOT! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
"Adam Lazzara, I love you." oh god.
He smiled my favorite smile and leaned down.
"but i love you more" he whispered
"imposable, you dont have my heart, so you dont know" after i said that gerard 'randomly' walked in, slamming my door on the wall.
"JADE! I HEARD THAT YOU FUCKED-" he looked under the blanket "ADAM! OH HEY!!"
'oh my god, i swear i'm gunna kill gerard'
"hey gerard. tell mikey to go fuck him self." i said turning away from him.
"what are you dumping mikey for adam?" he asked throwing the blanket to the floor.
"i never dated mikey! so how can i dump him!?" i screamed at him.
"you can dump him as a friend i think? so what adam's the new mikey? get one in every store, jade's sold seperatly?![sp?] is it gunna be like that now?!" i got out of the bed and came face to face with him.

"uhm im right here guys, i can hear you" adam said
"ADAM STAY OUT OF THIS!" i yelled not leaving my angry stare from gerard's
"oh, ouch. shot down from the woman I love" he said like a melo-dramatic
"yeah gerard. fucking love!" i yelled.
"oh, i thought bros before hoes jade?" he said.
"that'd work if i was a dude gerard! IM ALL GIRL HERE!" i said.
He made a face.
"well, have a happy love crap of a life with each other! GOD JADE!" and he left.
I took a deep weary breath.
"gerard-" i whispered and looked down.
"im screwing up here"

big time


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