‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance


[[gerard's p.o.v]]

I was really into my drawing when jade screamed "GERARD! IM OUT!"

'guess she's going with mikey' i thought as i put my finishing touches on my drawing.
i looked at it and felt my eyes prick with tears.
i set the drawing down and looked at the phone.
I took a few deep breaths and picked up the phone.
Then put it down and got up and started to walk back and forth.

"yes, or no.!! ah!! why is this so hard?!" i said as i was trying to make up my mind.

"IM BACK!!!" mikey yelled.

"FINE! SHUT UP!" i yelled still confussed.

"where's jade?" he asked. i looked up.

"i thought she went with you?" i asked confused.

"hha gerard, seriously i got her a unicorn stuft animal. where is she!? i want to see if she'll like it" he smiled at her name.

"dude seriously, i thought she went with you. she yelled 'GERARD IM OUT!' and went out the door" i said worried now.

Mikey face just fell and turned extreamly white, like not healthy at all white.

"gerard.where.is.jade?" he said, more like a whisper.

"i dont know!!" i yelled trying to think of what i heard before she left.

"there was a knock at the door....and i heard a voice....it sounded like-" oh shit.

"sounded like? WHAT?!" mikey yelled.

"SHIT.SHIT.SHIT.SHIT.SHIT!!! FUCKING SHIT!! I LOST JADE! FUCKING SHIT!!" i tried to think of where he said he was talking her.


"QUICK STARTBUCKS! NOW!" i said and grabbed the keys and my jacket.

"gerard! think of jade not fucking coffee!!" mikey yelled.

"mikey.your going to hate me" i said and ran to the car.

"why am i going to hate you?" he asked with fear in his eyes.

"zacky" i said and speeded towards starbucks.

'shit! how the fuck could i lose her?!'