‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

life long wait for love?

I pulled away from frank smiling until i heard some one yell.
"AGAIN!! WHAT THE FUCK!?" i turned to see a confused and pissed off gerard.
"uhm..gerard.." i said in a soothing voice.
"oh adam i love him!! i cant live with out him!! oh my adam!!" he said in a girlish tone.
'that's it' i thought as i stood up.
"you listen no Gerard Arther Way, and you listen good. i never fucking acted like that- and you know it. and to tell you why im kissing frank and not adam was because, Adam.fucking.cheated.on.me.with.the.whore.i.called.my.best.friend" i said getting right in his face. "so i suggest you fucking back off before i fucking make you!" i yelled right in his face.
"got it?" he made a face.
"he what?" he asked.
"i said do you fucking got it?!" i snapped.
"yeah, i got it." he said looking down. "sorry."
"dont tell mikey though.."i said as i stand down next to frank again.
"what.? why are you being such a fucking idiot?!" he looked up confused.
"because i'll tell him when im ready, i didnt even wanting you to know." i said leaning my head on the table.
"why.? jade he fucked with you and you do nothing about it?" he asked.
"be-....because i still love him." i said in a whisper.
"why?!"gerard asked- obviously mad.
"I DON'T KNOW I JUST DO! OKAY!! STOP THROWING ME HEAT!!" i yelled and got up, grabbing my bag- and ran out of the cafeteria, only to bump into....
"hey whoa, jade are you okay?" he asked me holding my by the shoulders.
"let me go!" i fought to get out of his grip.
"no! whats wrong?" he asked not serious. i stayed silent with tears rolling down my face.
"jade." mikey shook me i looked up at him with sorrow in my eyes and batted my eyes to see past my tears [[a//n: holy cow, so dramatic!! lol xD]] and sighed.
"i.. i got to go." i said as i cast my stare to the floor.
"no with out telling me what's wrong."
"nothings wrong! okay! let me go!" i said as i struggled.
"nothing is the statement of the millennium for you jade.WHAT.IS.WRONG.WITH.YOU?!" he asked more in a angry voice.
"nothing..its just.....just..- uhm." i mumbled as i searched for a excuse.
"just what?" he asked bending down to look me in the eyes.
"uhm..that time of....the month?" i guessed, he twisted up his face because he knows i just lied to him, right to his face.
"'the time of the month'?" he asked as if he didnt understand.
"ye...yeah." i stuttered.
"are you sure?" he asked me unconvinced.
"yes im damn sure!" i yelled, he just threw his arms up in a 'surrendering' way.
"fine, you want to lie to me? FINE!" he said and walked off.
"fine." i said to no one. i walked down the hall in a daze thinking and hurt. until i turned the corner and slammed into some one,making me fall to the floor. I groaned and slowly got up.
"oh jade, sorry." uhg, adam. "are you okay?" he asked.
"no." i said looking down. "are you?"
"no.. not really." he said looking down, i did the same.
"listen im sorry about before-" we both said.
"im, just sorry. i shouldn't of kicked you...there." i said
"and i shouldn't of kissed you, im really sorry its just. i fucked up jade i know that, its just-" he sighed.
"no its just that I trusted you with my life, but you still lied to me everyday; every word out of your mouth was a lie, and i believed you. that's what 'it's just-'" i snapped. he looked down.
"Can you still tell me you love me even tho you know the truth?" he asked in a whisper,
"adam, i do love you okay? i do, its just... its really hurting me mentally, and physically that im in love with you." i whimpered.
"i get that feeling." he said looking down.
"you know what adam? A girls life is filled with 1)drama, i have to much of that. 2)lies, i just got a whole bunch in the last few days and 3)tears- you caused them" i said as i backed up, away from him.
"you know the reason i felt as if i needed to cheat?" adam said as i turned to walk away, i froze.
"why?" i asked not even bothering to turn around.
"I just kept, and still am, picturing you with him-Mikey, and it hurts so bad"
"MIKEY?!" i yelled turning around. "why in the hell would you picture that!?" i demanded.
"i see the way you look at him when you thought no one looks, i see them, the way mikey walks into a room, you look happier, even when your mad at him.. you love him jade." he said looking down.
"no. no no no! i dont love mikey! he's my best friend adam! that'd be wrong!. i dont." i said
"oh stop lying to your self jade!!" adam screamed.
"I'M NOT!okay!? i dont love mikey" i finished my sentence in a whisper.
"bull shit you dont.! why do you think i always wanted you away from him?! you love him to much so that i cant compete with it! your hearts made its choice!" he snapped.

"no... i dont love mikey, i love-" i got cut off.
"JADE?! jade where are you?" fuck.
"damn it its frank." i said. "i was never here." i pointed to the ground as i started to walk away.
"nope." adam grabbed my arm and pushed my to he corner making me fall onto frank.
"found you!" he smiled.
"yeah..yeah you did" i said looking over to adam, he was walking away.
"just forget and focus on frank" i thought to myself
"what were you doing? trying to cut?" he asked with a straight face and i began to get off.
"noo mom." i sighed with a small smile.
"thank you," he smiled
"for..?" i asked confused.
he gave me a evil grin and smiled
"this" and he kissed me hard on the lips.
"oh." i said in between the kiss, smiling as everything faded away.

"What's this? What's this?
There's something very wrong"

^^ thats on the NBC sound track
[nightmare before Christmas to the noobs]

[[p.s- im starting to really not like what im doing with this story, give me some of your thoughts/ideas,please]]

update= happy yous =]