‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

pure bliss part 2

okay just wanted to let you know, i wrote the LAST chapter of Jade's Chemical Romance, this isn't it, but i did write it.


"uhm frank.?" I remembered.
"yeah?" he asked still focusing his attack on my neck.
"i dont want to be friends with benefits anymore." I said, he stopped looking sadly up at me.
"wh..wha-why?" he asked confused getting up slowly getting off of me.
"NO!" i said pulling him down.
"Jade, im confused." he said unsure.
"i dont want to be friends with benefits because i want to be more." i said letting go of him.
"yo...you do?" he looked happily at me, i just nodded.
"seriously. like you and me. together.?" he said clarifying it.
"yeah. i mean, if you dont i understand I ju-" he cut me off my colliding his lips with mine.
"you never answered my question." i said in between kisses.
"this is a yes jade. YES!" he squealed.
"god frank your such a girl !!" i giggled kissing him back. After 15 minutes of 'testing' to see our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, and let me tell you- I enjoyed it ALOT.
"should we get ready?" frank asked as he helped me off the ground, no comment on how we got there.
"shurely m'dear" i said smiling at him.
"hey you know what?" frank smiled back at me as we walked into the kitchen.
"what?" i asked turning around to him.
He walk over to her and wrap his arms around my hips and put his chin on my shoulder, facing his face to my neck.
"This." and he gave me a raseberry on my tickleish spot. I screamed and faught him off.
"FRANK!! AHH!!" i giggled hitting him for him to let go.
"oh, are you ticklish?" he asked me keeping a firm grip on my waist.
"YES!" oh shit. i shouldn't of said that.
"oh you are are you." he whispered into my ear.
"no." i said and looked around the room.
"no?" he said in a seducive manner.
"maybe." i smiled.
"maybe?" he asked as he gave me kisses along my jawline.
"no comment." i said keeping my mouth shut.
"oh, well then." he grinned at me. i looked at him, narrowing my eyes, him fallowing my movements.
With out notice frank let go of my waist and made an attack on my stomach, my knees buckled and we both fell on the floor, frank still tickling me.
"AHH! FRANK NO PLEASE!" i gasped for air laughing hysterically. Then after we settles down frank just held on to me.
"im glad you felt the same way i did, i was just to afraid to ask you." he mumbled against my skin.
"how long have you been wanting to ask me out?" i asked
"since i saw lauren and adam in the tick tock dinner." that was over a month and a half ago.
"seriously?" i asked astonished.
"yup." he said looking down.
"wow...that's ...odd?" i said unsure.
"why?" he looked up at me.
"because after about a week i started to feel like that." i said looking up at the ceiling.
"hum. who knew we'd end up like this hu?" he asked smiling, then all of the noises i didnt want to hear- i heard.
"hello?!" gerard asked as he opened the kitchen door.
"fuck" i whispered as gerard looked over the counter looking at us.
"ew. not on the floor jade." he said pointing at me and frank, i turned scarlet red.
"fucking prick." i mumbled.
"HEARD YOU!!!" gerard sang as he exited the room to the living room.
"YOU DID IT IN HERE TOO!?" he gasped.
"WHAT!?" i said getting up looking at a trashed room
"oh! no.. wow, uhm we were dancing." Frank said rubbing the back of his neck turning a nice shade of red.
"fucking teenagers." gerard said shaking his head with a goofy smile.
"GERARD WE DIDN'T FUCK !" i protested, right when mikey walked in sipping coffee.
He choked on it and coughed it up.
"wh-*cough*WHAT?!" he demanded shocked.
"me and frank are going to the show." i said grabbing frank by his shirt.
"LATER!!" frank yelled as he closed the door.

-car ride there-
"jade?" frank asked.
"yeah?" i quickly glanced at him.
"we forgot the tickets." he laughed.
"fan-friggen-tastic!!" i sighed with a laugh. "your going in and getting them." i said.
"psht, no!" frank said as he hopped in to the back seat.
"i hate you." i said looking into the review mirror shaking my head.
"love you to babe." hr grinned as i opened my car door.
I walked up to the door and opened it.
"JADE?!" Mikey demanded holding my tickets behind his back.
"fuck." i whispered.

comments=update m'dears <3