‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

"*** yes i can"

"uhm, can i have those back please" i said bending over trying to get the tickets away from mikey.
"no, no till you tell me what happened!" he yelled at me.
"ITS NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS MICHAEL!" i resorted back. he just glared and me and went to walk away.
'MIKEY!" i yelled after him.
"dont talk to me, fucking slut." i stopped. I stopped breathing,and caring.
"excuse me?" i asked
"yeah your a slut! for leading me on, then going to frank in what,? under an hour?!" he yelled.
"i hate you, i seriously do, that's why i wanted frank you nimrod! I HATE YOU" i shot back, making him stiffen up.
"good, because you can get in a car accident for all i care." after mikey said this frank came inside the house.
"yeah uhm, your taking forever Jade." frank said with a smile as he came into the kitchen, but then it faded.
"uhm, what going on.?" he asked
"go die in a hole!" mikey shot at him and went to hit him.
"MIKEY!" i yelled and pushed him down. He threw the tickets down on the ground and glared up at us.
"hey frank?" mikey asked
"yeah?" frank asked looking at the grounded.
"do everyone a favor and crash the car!!" he yelled and got up and went to living room.
"what the fuck mikey?!"
"i'll only crash it if your in it!" frank yelled back to mikey. he came back into the room, ready to fight frank-even though we all know he'll lose- i just pushed him against the frig and pushed frank to the living room.
Gerard was in there, probably hear the whole thing. As i pushed frank on the couch, i realized i was crying.

"im losing him..." i thought.
"no, i lost him"

"Frank, why do you have to be like that?" I asked Frank clearing my face from the forming tears.
"It's not my fault! He started it!" Frank, at this point, sounded like a whiny 4-year-old.
"Frank, I'm sure Mikey didn't mean all of that yelling" Gerard tried to apologize for Mikey's actions.


"Mikey, SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted.

"Jade, you need to have a talk with Mikey about why he's acting like this to me, i wont kiss you until you do!" Frank sighed.

"Frank, you can't punish Jade for Mikey's rudeness" Gerard raised one eyebrow.

"Fuck yes I can!...." Frank smirked in my direction.

"fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" i huffed as i got up from the couch. "you owe me." i said pointing to frank.

"and i'll replay you" he grinned at me.

"bet your ass you will"