‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

to the show...

"well now, this is going to be interesting..." i thought as i climbed the stairs. i walked up to mikeys room, didnt bother to knock- and walked in.

"you fucking bastard, get down stairs and say sorry!!" i said with acid in my voice as i walked to mikeys bed. he was curled up into a ball and under his blanket.
I walked over to the bed slowly.

"mikey?" i asked, trying hard not to show the concern.
"mik--WHOA!" he grabbed my waist and brought me under the covers.
"mikey this isn't funny.! let me go!!" i whined as i tried to get out of his grip, even thought he's not so tough, he's alot stronger than me.
"shhh." i stopped moving and looked to my right, there laid mikey, no glasses no hair straightened. 100% all natural mikey, it took me a minute to catch my breath- him and his effect one me.
"why a- did you be like that to f-frank?" i asked.
"why?" he asked not looking at me.
"w-well yeah, i mean he didnt do anything." i said.
"yeah he did.." he said snuggling closer to me.
"m-m-mikey. no," i tried to protest.
"please Jade. please." my breath got caught in my throat.
"s-s-sure." i stuttered.
he came closer, if that was possible, and placed his he above my heart.
"uhm." i froze.
"relax im not going to rape you."
"cant rape the willing mikey"
"i did not just think that..."

"jade?" mikey asked, turning his head so he could see my face.
"yeah?" i asked in a squeaky voice.
"because," i said, not knowing the question meant.
"because why?" mikey came closer, hovering over me.
"b-b-b-because i cant do this!!" i said going under him and ran out the door

"fucking pansy." i mumbled to my self.

do you want me to write a part of the concert?

comment saying yes or no some where in your comments =]

i eeeeevery one :D