‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance


[[Jade's p.o.v]]

As i walked into the coffee store zacky wouldnt stop touching me.

"could you not?" i asked him as we sat down and drank our coffee.

"not what?" he asked moving closer to me.

"not touch me. i mean its starting to freak me out" i said moving away.

"but im your boyfriend im aloud" he grinned a evil smile.

"yeah, but im saying your not. so stop please" i said.

"jade, as your boyfriend i have to make good choices for you, and this is one." he said moving closer still.

"yeah, and as me being jade, I SAID STOP!" i yelled.

"princesess?" a fimiliar voice said.

'i know that voice, i know it....its.....its....MY TEDDY BEAR!'

"teddy bear?" i asked turning around seeing a extreamly attractive guy.

"JADE!!" he said

"ADAM!!! OH MY GOD!!" i yelled and jumped and hugged him. he spun me around.

"oh my god! uh! i missed you! im sorry we never got to hang out," he said as he put me down.

"oh! its okay, we can hang out now!!" i smiled and hugged him again.

a fake cough was made and i turned around to see, ew, zacky.

"yes?" i asked. god! i need a new boyfriend.

"want to explain please?" he snapped.

"god! why are you being such a prick? your suppose to be a boyfriend not a crazy rapist!" i yelled and linked arms with adam.

"yeah, but when you were in a coma for 3 months, i kind of wanted you." he said.

"you were in a coma? why?" adam asked me.

"i dont know? but i dont remember anything, but i remember you! that must be a good sign!!" i laughed.

"hum..maybe you just love me so much i cant be forgoten." he smiled.

"yeah! that must be it!" i laughed.

"jade, we need to go. now" zacky said.

"but i want to stay with adam" i smiled at adam.

"no now"

"zacky! shut up! i dont want to go with you! so fuck off! you know, im being to think you arent really my boyfriend maybe your just, a ......" oh god.