‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

you're sleeping at my house and- mikey...?

eh, im not feeling to good right now- but i love you so im updating for you =]
oh and also~ no-one really commented telling what to do, so im skipping the concert, if you want it in the story, i'll do a flash back or something, JUST COMMENT TELLING ME TO!
mkay- here's the update.


Jade's p.o.v

"you want to crash at mine?" frank asked "ma and pop aren't home, so.." he trailed off.
"as along as mikey isn't there." i said, "then shurely m'darlin'!"
"OKAY!" he said with a wide smile

Mikey's p.o.v <<a/n: its been a while since mikey got to say his side =] lol >>

At the moment, i feel dead.
"hey mik-" gerard came in and saw me. "what the fuck are you doing?!" he rushed over to me and took the bottle away.
"i had this im my room! what are you doing with it!?" he snapped.
"if you can do it i can do it!" i replied, well slurred back at him.
"mikey your drunk" he laughed.
"AM NOT!!" i yelled back.
"you're drinking your self away, because of..?" he asked
"jade." i said with out thinking. "i mean...shade. i need shade."
"you in a house mikey." gerard said amused.
"oh fuck you!" i said stumbling over to my bed.
"your drinking because of jade?" he said, clearing it up.
"yes." i sighed.
"BECAUSE FRANK STOLE HER!" i yelled into my pillow.
"mikey, question for you-"
"shoot gee gee bear!" i giggled at him. he narrowed his eyes at me
"august 27th, where were you?" he asked
"uhm," i closed my eyes. "here!" i said with a smile.
"august 27th, what day was it?" he asked sitting on the bed.
"uhm,,,fr- no Saturday?" i asked
"yes but what DAY!?" he asked. i lowered my head.
"jade's birthday,"
"and who where you with on JADE'S birthday?" he asked.
"alicia." i mumbled.
"EXACTLY! YOU ARE GIVING HER AWAY MIKEY! GOD YOU ..you're so stupid some times! i swear." he said getting up. "she didn't walk away mikey, you did." he grabbed the vodka and walked out.
"mother fucker," i whispered "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING GERARD!! yo-" and i passed out.


O_O mikey got wastedddddddd oohhhhhhh and jade's sleeping at franks with no parental supervision, ohhh whats gonna happeeeeeeeeen
lmao xD