‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

chapter 41

okay, so im like going brain dead-aka writers block, i NEVER had it before so its like bad. i hate it, i want to update more- but i just dont know what to write..
give me ideas, ANYTHING to make me update !!!
because i feel bad when i leave you guys for like a week or something =[

ANYTHING, just put it in with your comment and bam!
what ever your heart desires [except jade and mikey getting together-not yet] and i'll put it in :D
i have 23 subscribers, and like what? 5-6 comments?
no way, im not doing that anymore.


[i am REALLY sorry if this sucks it too me FOREVER to just write this, hence- writers block]

Jade's p.o.v

So i went up to franks room as we walked threw the door because im about to pass out.
"so.tired." i mumbled as i went to franks draw and stole some boxers and a shirt.
"must.sleep." i took off my shirt and threw on franks Misfits shirt and then unbuttoned my jeans, then i heard a cough. i looked up in a daze.
"jade, .." frank blushed.
"yes?" i asked in tone that showed no expression, to tired for that.
"uh, y- uhm...n-never mind." frank said nervously, not looking at me, just his shoes. i continued to zip my pants down and shook my hips to let them fall, only if i didnt wear the tightest jeans in the world, it might of worked.
"frank!" i whined, its 3 am and im fucking tired, im doing nothing that involves work.
"yeah?" he looked over at me, he was doing the same thing.
"my pants wont come off." i whined as if i was 4.
"bend down-"
"i couldn't even if i tried." i pouted. he narrowed his eyes and sighed with a smile.
"you are adorable when your on the brink of passing out." he giggled.
"yeah i know." he came over to me and switched me jeans with his boxers.
"can you bring me to bed?" i asked with a puppy dog pleading face.
"fine" he sighed shaking his head smiling. he picked me up bridal style and placed me on the bed, i instentally fell asleep once my head touched the pillow.

next day

I rolled over and sighed.
"fucking sun go away." i mumbled, and i heard a laugh.
"shhh. im sleeping." i said as i opened my right eye."its to early."
"jade- its 4pm." frank laughed.
"WHAT!?" i said getting up.
"what? what's wrong?" frank asked getting up from his desk.
"DON AND DONNA ARE COMING HOME TODAY AT 4!!!!" i said grabbing my cloths and shoes and ran out the door.
"JADE!" i turned around ran back to frank.
"i have to go! bye i'll call you later!" i said kissing him, then sprinted to the Way's. After about 15 minutes of running i ran to the door and searched for the key, but i didnt need it, some one opened the door for me.
"jade?!" they gasped.

tell me what you think and give me ideas please!!!!!!!!!