‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

Uhm,.... well.. uh hello !

Warning:not my best chapter, so be nice on the comments.
and im SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOO sorry its so late !
-cries and hands you cookies and skittles-
all better!!



My jaw dropped and looked up at Elena.
"uh.-..I y...whaa?" i asked confused.
"well, hello to you too my dear!" she said with a straight face.
"Uhm,.... well.. uh hello !" i said confused, i looked past her and saw gerard laughing at me, i just gave him a death glare and Elena looked me over.
"dear, did you get.. mugged or something? oh are you okay?!" then gerard burst out in a giggle fit.
"oh, are you alright gerard?" she asked as she turned around, which was my ticket into the house.
"uhm yes he's fine." i said as i walked over to gerard and elbowed him, "we'll.. be right back!" i said then dragging gerard to his room, closing the door.
"WE DID NOTHING!" i yelled at him, hitting him over the head.
"ouch damn it! and 'you didnt do anything.' BULL SHIT! you have sex hair! HAIR!" he said pointing to my head.
"no! its bed head you pervert! and if you speak a word i'll kill you." i said with a straight face.
"im going to take a shower and get changed, please gerard."
"fine!" he said, then stalked out of the room.
As i went to my room, grab some clean cloths and a towel.
Took a nice warm long shower and came out of the bathroom with wet hair, but clean.
As i walked down stairs there was a girl, not sure who..but a girl talking to gerard. I walked into the kitchen and made coffee, i know its like 5:30 now but fuck you, i need my coffee.
I watch the pot do its thing as someone walks up behind me and wraps their arms around me as if they wanted to scare me.
"hey frank."
"damn it!" he whined " i wanted to surprise you!" with a pout. I made a fake gasp.
"frank is that you!?" i said rolling my eyes as i turned around.
"yes jade! its me!" he said hugging me then kissing me. there was a fake cough and i broke off of frank to see gerard and that girl.
"hello." i said with a confused smile. "who are you?"
"uhm, hey.. im Kasi."



COMMENTS=..some what of a faster update >.<