‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

only time can tell us the answers.

[[jade's p.o.v]]

When i woke up i was in mikeys arms.
first i thought i was dreaming..
since you know i was in MICHAEL JAMES WAY'S ARMS.
i was in shock.
they told me, adam, my human teddy bear for ever and ever, and mr.sexy pants, mikey, they told me i passed out of something?
I dont know all i remember is telling that Zacky dude off and then my heart beat went from 5 to 500 and then i got dizzy and then i had these....i dont know what you could call them.
It was this little girl and this man hitting her, like REALLY hitting her.
and then there was this sign that said 'HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY -' but the rest was burnt down.
I guess i got really scared, seeing these things.
And the man was all over the girl like forcing her.. to... well use your head.
And he was screamng at her for 'being the whore she is' and stuff you should never say to a kid of the age of 13.
it was way to much.
But it felt like i know that girl, like...like i was there when i happened. I dont know .... i just dont remember anything. i dont know anything... i just...... i have no idea whats happing anymore. i seriously dont and thats whats making me scared.

As we went into the house with the guys around, almost sufficating me, me and mikey started to make those cupcakes and pudding. but mine had skittles.

Gerard called up the guys and they came over in about..the second gerard put the phone down.
Then gerard called lauryn and she was over before gerard out the phone down.

They all came rushing in and asking me quesetions like 'are you okay?' and stuff like that.
I just said 'not eating real food for 3 months does stuff to you. im fine' and then smile if off.
But on the inside i just wanted to scream because im surrounded but people i dont know, dont remember, and kind of dont want to know.

When the cupcakes were finished me and mikey started to put icing on them.
"so..which one do you want?" he asked me
"all of them." i fake smiled.
my mouth was freaking watering over these and he is icing them extreamly slow.
So after i iced mine i just stuffed it into my mouth and savored the flavor.
Mikey just stared wided eyed at me.
"what?" i asked with my mouth still full.
"shit! dont choke your self there baby! theres still some pudding to make!" he laughed at my actions.
"well-chew- im-chew-hungry-chew-and-chewchew-i haven't-chew- eaten-chew- for like-chewchewchew-EVER!!" i laughed after i swallowed the really good cupcake.
"want another?" mikey handed me one.
"its like you dont know me" i laughed at stuffed the cupcake into my mouth.
After we iced them all the guys came in and ate theirs like human beings while i stuffed and pigged out like some...really really extreamly hungry person who hasnt ate since....forever ago.
"shitt jade" gerard mummbled as he watched me eat.
"fuck...do it again" frank cheered. me and him were having a eating contest.
"dude..."ray and bob said.
"do you want something to drink. or something?" adam and lauryn asked me.
"nope. i want more food." i said as i opened the frig.
"MIKEY!!" i yelled.
"what?" he said as he came into the kitchen
"THERE'S NO MORE FOOD LEFT!?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO IT?!" i asked really not knowing where the food went, i didnt eat THAT much.. did i?

He just laughed..and laughed.... and did some more laughing.
"what?!!" i asked not getting the joke.
He just started to cry from laughing when gerard came in.
"whats so funny?" he asked.
"i dont know." i said and sat on the ground mad and still hungry.
"jade!!" mikey screamed with laughter.
"what?" i asked.
"jade!!!- jade ate all the!!" he gasped for air.
"WHAT?!" me and gerard yelled getting annoied that we arent in the loop.
"jade ate all the food!! all of it!!! nothing is left!!" mikey tried calming down, then gerard checked the frig and started to laugh at me.
"you guys are mean!!" i yelled and went into the dinning room where everyone else was.

"what?" frank asked, he saw my angry face.
"gerard and mikey are laughing at me." i fake cried.
"why?" lauryn asked.
"because i ate all the food" i whispered.
"what?" adam asked.
"i ate all the food" i said even softer.
"i cant hear you!" frank yelled.
"I ATE ALL THE GOD DAMN FOOD!" i yelled and left the room and to a room upstairs..
"where's my room?" i said to myself as i walked passed rooms.
"the next one down" don said as he came out from his room.
"oh. thank you don" i said and walked into my room.
"no problem jade" he said and went back to his room.

As i walked into my room i saw the walls covered with posters and drawings and stuff like that. i saw a picture and went up to it.
It was me and mikey in the mall laughing and smiling, i guess someone said something funny or something, we were carring bags and subway.
And mikey had his arm around me and we were hugging really close and i was kissing his cheek, trying to hide the fact i was laughing.

I tear rolled down my cheek,
I want to remember.
I want to remember so bad, i want to know what me and mikey have.
I want to remember so bad i really do. i want to know those people down stairs.
I want to know them. i need to know them.
they seem fun, but i just dont feel right with them.
like something is missing.
I want that something back. i want to know what if feels like to be loved and love back.
I want to remember. i have to remember. i need to remember.

I took the picture down and sat on my bed holding the picture upto my heart.

"come one...remember..please....please remember" i repeated for about 5 minutes when there was a knock at the door.

"jade." it was mikey "im sorry for laughing. i really am. please come back down" he said.

"hold on!" i yelled trying to clean my face.
"jade.." mikey sighed.
"i'll come back down! give me a second or 2!" i yelled.
"im sorry" mikey repeated.
"i said i'll come back down! hold on!" i didnt mean to snap at mikey like that.. its just....

the room is getting smaller.. my heart is going from 5 to 500 again.. and ... there is this girl... a girl crying in this prom dress im thinking..? she's....oh god....she's bleeding on the wrists and there's this...blade....oh no..
I looked at my wrists and saw this faded scar,
That girl is me.


