‹ Prequel: Help Me Live

Jade's Chemical Romance

I thought this part was over..

I felt really bad for making fun of jade, but seriously-she ate ALL the food- how can you do that?
So i went up to her room, she snapped at me and i got alittle shocked then i heard a crash.
I paniced and tried to open the door but jade locked it.

"JADE?! JADE?! open the door jade!!" i paniced trying to open the door.

The guys came up the stairs and saw me trying to open the door.
"what are you doing?" gerard ased me with his head tilted to the side.

"she-" i choked back the tears."bob, can you open the door?" i asked him

"mikey you turn the knob" he said slowly as if i was retarded.

"she locked it. she isn't answering me, i heard a crash! open the freaking door gosh darn it!" i yelled.

"shit! jade answer me or your door is gone!" bob yelled, not waiting for a respance.

After 3o minutes of banging in the door we finally got it opened.
I ran in and saw jade on the floor next to the picture we took when we were shopping for jade;s new school cloths.

[[i'll finish this later. the bell is about to ring!]]