The *** of Gerard Way

Tal Vez

In a cold room, filled with cobwebs and rats, two men stood next to each other, peering at a body on the table.

The air tasted of salt and death.

The two men glanced at each other then at the body.

"This looks like a suicide to me." One said. He had a fat belly and yellow teeth.

"Hmm." The second man, much younger, much skinnier, and much, much cleaner, rubbed his chin. "I don't know..."

"Come on, he had a bunch of drugs in his system. Of course this is the works of a drug addict." The fat man raised his eyebrow in emphasis.

"My ex-girlfriend used to be obsessed with his band," The young man said sadly. "He doesn't seem like the type of person to commit suicide... I actually met him once."

"Still, everything's pointing to suicide." The fat man sighed. He wanted to go home.

"Wait.." The young man leaned over the body, staring at the mouth. "Look."

The young man pointed his finger, being careful not to touch, under the body's nose. Little red blisters were forming outside the mouth.

The fat man put on his glasses and leaned over.

"It looks like... like.." The fat man squinted. His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my God."

The young man and the fat man together examined the outside area of the body's mouth.

"Hmmm... cyanide... or... I don't know.. anything poison." The fat man muttered.

"And look." The young man lifted the chin to reveal red markings staining the neck. "Looks like somebody grabbed his neck."

"We need to call the guys downtown." The fat man said, referring to the police department. "I think we may have found a breakthrough in this investigation."

The young man nodded and watched the fat man wobble away.

He sighed and stared at the body, thinking back to his ex-girlfriend.

Softly, under his breath, the young man sighed.

"Oh, what have you done now?"