I Wish

I Wish

When I was little all I could think about was being a grown up. Being able to do whatever I wanted and eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.,Every birthday my wish was to be a grownup. I'd wish it at 11:11 and on a shooting star.

During Art back in 3rd grade the teacher Mr.Hoopla asked my class to draw what we wanted to be and as your probably thinking, "He wanted to be a Grownup." I drew a grownup. My teacher found it very humerus and I remember him saying, "When you do grow up, you'll wish you were a kid again."

I didn't really understand his words then, but I was 9. I wouldn't truly understand the meaning till I was in my 3rd year of college. It was the year I turned 21. I was a good kid and never did drugs or even tried alcohol before. And as a special treat my best friends got me wasted at a local bar called; Down'em.

Bert, Cassie, Sarah, Martha, my boyfriend Carlos and I got wasted up until the bar closed at 3am. Mudslides were my favorite. The way they went down my throat was heavenly until the next morning when I woke up. Hangover.

My head throbbed and the toilet became my #1 best friend for those four hours I puked my brains out. How I loved the cool side of it and the way all of last night could be flushed away. Till this day I wont drink more then 2drinks for hangover's are not cool when you have a final exam in math.

When I finished college my parents got me an apartment. The rent was $650 a month for a 1bedroom that included water and heat. I'd have to pay for everything else. That means a job. In college I worked part time at this really cool place called Pac Sun. Each week I would put about half my paycheck in the bank and spend the other half on fabrics or buttons. Over the course of those four years I raked in over $3,000 that includes birthday money, Christmas money, and various jobs I took on.

My major in college was Fashion and I minored in Math. I pasted all my classes with a steady A. So finding a job wasn't really that hard and I had quiet a few offers from Calvin Klein, D & G, and even from Valentino. Some pretty hot designers if I say so myself.

I choose Valentino and after 6 years of him doing my designs and seeing them displayed on runway after runway, country after country I retired. I took a final trip down to South America and came down with Intestinal Anthrax once I arrived back in the states.

At first I thought it was just the flu, but I woke up vomiting blood. My boyfriend rushed me to the ER and I was quickly admitted. They ran various amounts of test and since I went out the of the country they ran a blood test that came back positive for Intestinal Anthrax. They then took a stool sample to make sure they were right and it came back positive as well.

Now as I lay here in the hospital bed waiting for the Angel of Death, cause the doctor's caught it in a advanced level. I wish I was a kid again. I wish I stopped wanting to be a grownup and was just a little naive kid again. I wish I could back and start over.

I never knew I was going to die at the age of 28. That I could lose everything at the bat of an eyelash. I missed out on my life worrying and wanting the future and well now I don't have one.

You never know will you'll die so live every minute of your life to its fullest.

David Mathew Adair.
Died: July 22, 2008
At: 1:30am

Friends and family watched him go in peace.
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I'm sorry its a sucky one-shot I tried my best.
This is my first time writing something,
of this style so I know its choppy.
Comment and tell me what you thought. Please?

Thanks for reading,