The City Is at War

Chapter 1

"I hate my life," I mutter.

My older brother Casey, has just pushed me down the stairs and now I'm lying face down on the floor. My mom walks by with a worried expression on her face and shakes her head, "I thought that once we moved, this would stop."

She doesn't wait for my response, just walks away. I stand and brush my black hair away from my face before getting into my car. Barrington High, here I come!

I walk into the school and pull out my crumpled schedule. Period 1,English,Mr.Stertz, Room 107. I begin walking, before I realize, I have no idea where I’m going. I stop and spot a group of guys laughing. I’m making my way over to them, when someone grabs my arm.

“You must be new here,” the person comments.

I turn to get a good look at him and smile. He’s wearing black glasses and a gray newsboy cap. He has short brown hair and is extremely adorable.

“You don’t just go up to Gabe like that.”

My brow furrows in confusion, “whose Gabe? And why shouldn’t I? And since I’m asking all these questions, who are you?!”

He gives me a warm smile, “I’m Patrick Stump. The guy you were about to talk to was-”

“Gabe Saporta, at your service. Trying to hide the newbie from me Patrick? She’s fair game you know,” Gabe laughs.

Patrick sends Gabe a glare, but doesn’t say anything.

“Look, can you just shut the hell up and tell me where Room 107 is?!” I yell.

Patrick’s eyes are wide and Gabe looks angry. What did I just do?

“Don’t raise your fucking voice to me! I am Gabe fucking Saporta!” Gabe yells back.

“And I’m Sabrina fucking Serrano and I’m not taking shit from you!”

Gabe opens his mouth to yell something else, but Patrick pulls me away.

“C’mon, I’ll take you to your class,” he mutters.

“What? We have to go back and kick his ass, Patrick!” I exclaim angrily. I can’t wait to slap that asshole.

“You’re blowing this way out of proportion, Sabrina. Besides, you can’t do that,” he answers in a grim voice.

Okay, so maybe I let my temper get the best of me…but I can do whatever the hell I want.

“Anyways, this is your class and,” he says cheerily, grabbing my schedule, “I’ll see you for lunch and algebra. Otherwise, chemistry awaits, love,” Patrick gives me a genuine smile and I wonder how his moods change so quickly, while he walks off.

I take a seat in the middle of the classroom, as the first bell rings. English is one of my best classes, so I’m in a relatively good mood until Gabe walks in. He walks in with another guy and doesn’t notice me until a few seconds later.

“Hey guys, it’s Sabrina fucking Serrano,” Gabe laughs.

He whispers something in a guy’s ear and the guy glances at me and nods at Gabe. He begins walking towards me and his brown eyes are smiling.

“You know, you’re a very pretty girl and you’re new, so Gabe doesn’t want to ruin your life,” he starts. “Tell Gabe, I’m not as nice as I look and he can fucking bring it,” I hiss.

The guy looks surprised, but tries again, “Maybe you don’t understand,-”

I sigh and look over his shoulder, “Gabe, honey, “ I smile, looking directly into Gabe’s eyes, “you can fucking bring it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
After listening to Guilty Pleasure on repeat, I wrote this.

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