The City Is at War

Chapter 11

I turn over in my bed, uncomfortably.

A glass of water should help.

I'm about to get up, when I feel hot air on my face.


I open my eyes and find myself face-to-face with Gabe Saporta.

What the fuck?!

I also happen to be wearing a shapeless brown nightgown. I hope that this is just some really fucked up nightmare. I pinch myself and groan when I realize I'm not dreaming.

"Gabe," I hiss urgently, trying not to scream.

"Gabe!" I yell again, but he still doesn't wake up.

I sigh and bite down on Gabe's earlobe.

"Ah shit!" Gabe cries out, his eyes snapping open.

"Sabrina-" he starts, but I cut him off angrily.

"Why the fuck am I in your bed, wearing this shitty outfit? Is this one of your perverted fantasies because-"

"Can't we do this later?" Gabe groans, tightening his arms around my waist.

"No, we can't," I hiss, pushing his arms off of me.

"Your mom said it was okay."

I roll my eyes, and pull back the covers, "I'm going home."

"Sabrina, it's," Gabe glances at the clock on the wall, "four a.m."

"Fine, then I'll sleep on the floor," I retort.

"Don't be ridiculous," Gabe says pulling me back down.


"Sabrina, just go to sleep."

Gabe kisses my forehead and I smile in spite of myself.

"Fine," I mutter.

He sighs in relief and we fall back asleep.

I wake up at exactly seven a.m. and smile at how innocent Gabe looks when he's asleep. I watch the steady rise and fall of his chest, grateful for a couple seconds of peace.

He opens his eyes and smirks, "that was some night huh?"

I roll my eyes and push him away, "I hate you."

"I refuse to believe that."

"Cocky little bastard, aren't you?"

"What do you have against me, Sabrina? I thought we were friends," Gabe interrupts.

I sit up and get out of bed, "I don't think I owe you an explanation."


"I'm gonna go home so, let's just forget this whole stupid thing ever happened, okay?" I suggest.

"So none of this counts?" Gabe asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head slowly and Gabe smiles.

"So, I can do whatever I want?" he asks, taking a couple of steps towards me.

"No, that's not what I um...meant," I say quietly, trying to figure out what Gabe could be planning.

It never occurred to me that Gabe might lean down and pull me into a mind blowing kiss. But that's exactly what he did. He snakes his arms around my waist and I don't push him away. I put my arms around his neck and kiss right back. It's almost a reflex for me. It’s only when Gabe runs his tongue along my bottom lip that I pull away.

And then, boys and girls, I start freaking out. I push Gabe into the wall and slap him across the face.

"Don't you ever try something like that again! You are disgusting! You are such a jackass, Gabe!"

I start pacing, murmuring 'shit', over and over again, completely ignoring Gabe. I grab my car keys off of Gabe's dresser and get into my car, no longer worried about the ugly brown nightgown. All I can think about is how amazing that kiss was.
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Hm....I don't know about this chapter...