The City Is at War

Chapter 12

I walk into Barrington and Patrick and William call me over.

"Um...hey guys," I say nervously.

Are they still mad?

Can they tell that I just made out with Gabe?

William smiles at me, "We're not mad anymore."

"Yeah, I actually think you and Gabe being friends is a good idea," Patrick chimes in.

I furrow my brow, "Um, what?"

"You can be a spy and find out what makes Gabe tick."

"But, um..."

If I tell Patrick that Gabe probably hates me, he'll wanna know why. I can't tell him about the kiss.

"But what?" William asks.

"Nothing," I say quickly, "it's a great idea."

Patrick smiles happily, "well I'll leave you two alone then."

William blushes and puts his arm around me.

"So, I was thinking, um after school, we could go to your house and-" he starts nervously.

What's up with him?

"We always go to my house, Bill."

"I meant just us. I mean, if you uh, wanted to."

"Yeah, of course. You're my best friend Bill; I always want to hang out with you."

"That's not what I-" William stops and lowers his arm to my waist, when he sees Sisky.

"Can I talk to Sabrina for a second?" he asks slowly.

"Go ahead," William says, tightening his grip on my waist.

"Alone," Sisky clarifies, glaring at William.

"Whatever you want to say to Sabrina, you can say to me," William retorts, childishly.

"Call off your watchdog, Sabrina."

"I'll show you-" William begins angrily.

"Um, Adam, maybe after school, we can go to The Amulet," I say.

I don't realize until a second later, that I've just named a restaurant, where couples go to make out.

I start to apologize and Sisky only smiles, "I'll be there."

Sisky walks away and William looks beyond pissed.

"We can still-" I begin hastily, but William shakes his head.

"I'm gonna go to class," he mutters, before walking away.


I walk into English class and Gabe is already sitting down, his face buried in a book.


I slide into a seat next to Victoria and she gives me an interested look.


"You know Adam Siska right?" I ask.

Victoria nods and I continue, "Well, I asked him to go to The Amulet with me and Bill got really pissed."

"That's it?" she asks slowly.

"Should there be more?"

"You have nothing to do with that?" she asks, pointing to Gabe.

I blush and laugh nervously, "no, why would you think that?"

Victoria rolls her eyes, "Whatever. Look, William has every reason to be angry."

"Name one."

"I can't tell you, but if you think about it, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"The only reason I can come up with, is that Bill’s pmsing," I mutter.

"Keep thinking," Victoria says, as Mr.Stertz walks into the room.

Today is not my day.
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