The City Is at War

Chapter 14

My mother has just finished cleaning the entire house for the third time today. She sighs in irritation and pulls out a feather duster.

"Mom, the house looks fine."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," she mutters, dusting off the coffee table.

Cleaning is my mom's nervous habit.

I turn toward her and raise an eyebrow, "what's wrong?"

She smiles, "I'm going on a date tonight. He's really nice and…I hope you don't mind."

She shakes her head and her dirty blond hair falls around her shoulders, "of course you mind. I won't go."

My brother Casey shares her hair color, but I inherited my Dad's black hair. She sits down on the couch next to me and grabs the remote from my hands.

"Mom, you have to go. It's a Saturday night. You should be having fun," I say, grabbing the remote back.

"But what about you? I mean Casey's on a date and then I'll be going out, won't you be lonely?" she asks.

I sigh, "I'll be fine mom."

"Are you sure?"

I nod and a smile slowly spreads across her face. She runs up stairs, probably to change, and I flip through random channels.

Re-run after re-run.

My mom walks down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. She's wearing a black dress with a beaded design and a slit just above the knee. She frowns at my shapeless green hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Shouldn't you be on a date?"

Someone blows the horn on their car and my mother forgets her question.

"Well, I'll see you tonight," she says, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek.

"Bye mom," I mutter, but she's already out the door.

Why aren't I on a date?

Where is Sisky?

I pick up my cell phone and dial Sisky's number. He picks up on the third ring.


"Hey, this is Sabrina. Why am I sitting at home watching television while my mother goes out on a date with some guy?"

"Because your mom's hot?" he suggests.

I sigh and shift the phone to my other ear, "Adam."

"I'm sorry, I'm just-"

Shouts can be heard from the other line and I can hear Sisky's laughter through the phone.


"I gotta go Sabrina. I'll call you later," he says hastily, before hanging up.

I try calling Patrick but he doesn't pick up so I call Victoria.

"Hey, Vic-"

“I'm on a date," she hisses, before hanging up.

Am I the only one who's not on a date?!

It's probably a bad idea, but I call William anyway. We haven’t spoken since the day I kissed Sisky, and that was on Tuesday. He sounds just as bored as I am, when he picks up.

"Where's Sisky?"

I shrug and quickly realize he can't see it.

"I don't know. I tried calling him but that didn't really work out."

"Well, I could come over, if you want," he suggests.

"You're not mad at me?"

"I'll be there in ten minutes," he mutters, after a long silence

William gets here in a couple minutes over ten, raises an eyebrow at my outfit and sprawls out on the couch.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask, after hours of mindless television.

William sits up on my couch and shrugs, although his eyes never meet mine.

I sigh and pull him up from the couch, "let's take a walk."

We walk out onto the sidewalk and William runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," we say in unison.

I shake my head in astonishment, "What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I haven't been acting like a good friend and- "he begins.

"Bill, you are an amazing guy! I should be the one apologizing. I'm the shitty friend here!" I yell.


"Bill just accept my goddamn apology!" I hiss.

A streetlight flickers off above us and Bill smiles.

"Okay, okay just don't kill-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence because I pull him into a hug.

"You are so freaking bony," I mutter, but don't make a move to pull away.

I missed this.

He chuckles softly and pulls away, much to my disappointment.

"I...uh," William shakes his head, "never mind. Let's go back to your house."

"Okay, sure," I say happily, putting an arm around his shoulder.

We cross the street and I can see a shadow sitting on my porch.

What the fuck?

I glance up at William but he doesn't seem to notice. I curse under my breath when I recognize the person's face.

No fucking way.

"Bill, let's go to your house," I say hastily, spinning around.

"But I thought-" he begins, brows furrowed.

"William, please," I beg.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, the confusion in his eyes turning into concern.

"No, it's not! We just need to go now!" I yell, not realizing my mistake.

"Sabrina! Would it kill you to pick up the phone once in a while?" a female voice calls out from behind me.


I grab William's hand and pull him forward, but I can hear the girl's rapid footsteps behind us.

"Don't you remember me Sabrina?" she asks, wrapping her arms around me from behind.

I turn around slowly and William shoots me a curious look that I ignore.

I push her off of me, "What are you doing here?"

"Who's your friend?" she asks, raising an eyebrow and smiling at me.

"What are-" I try, but she grabs my hand.

"Don't you wanna introduce me?" she asks, squeezing my arm.

I wince and nod in agreement.

"This is William Beckett. William this is....this is Jade," I say quietly.

"Jadelyn," she corrects, squeezing my hand harder.

"We were best friends, before she moved, but now she doesn't even call me. You never did tell me why you moved, Sabrina,"Jade Jadelyn says, shooting me an expectant glance.

My throat dries up and my eyes widen but Jadelyn just smiles.

"I don't-"

"Sabrina, why did you leave?" Jadelyn interrupts.

"I don't think she wants to talk about it," William says calmly.

He grabs my free arm and raises an eyebrow, "You gonna let go of her?"

Jadelyn's smile immediately fades and she drops my right arm.

She runs a hand through her brown hair, unsure of what to do.

"Um, Sabrina-" she tries, uncertainly.

"Bye," William says, brightly before pulling me away.
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I hope you all picked up your copies of fast times at barrington high!!! =]