The City Is at War

Chapter 18

"Why would he drink this poison? I can't live without him! I will kiss your poisonous lips, Romeo and then we can die together," I say dramatically, leaning down to kiss Gabe.

Yeah you guessed it, I'm in English class about to kiss Gabe. Now that I think about it, it seems so much more stupid than it did yesterday.

I'm straddling Gabe and people are taking pictures. I hover right above his lips for one second, before sitting up.

I grab the knife made out of loose leaf paper out of Gabe's pocket and pretend to stab myself, before collapsing on top of Gabe. The class doesn't start clapping; they're too busy sending those pictures.

Gabe and I stand up and head back to our seats when Mr.Stertz tells us to stop.

When will it ever end?

"If I'm not mistaken, Juliet kisses Romeo in this scene. Why did you choose to omit that scene?" he asks.

"Erm...well, I figured Juliet wouldn't want to kiss a dead guy," I mutter weakly.

"Right, well you two are to stay after class," Mr.Stertz says and we sit back down.

The bell rings a couple of minutes later and the class files out.

Mr.Stertz puts two booklets down on our desks and Gabe frowns, "What's this?"

"This is punishment for not coming to detention yesterday. All of it is due tomorrow morning."

"But this is almost fifty pages!" I exclaim.

"You should have thought about that before. Get to your classes," he says quietly.

"This is all your fault you, jackass!" I yell, pushing past Gabe and walking out into the hallway.

"You're the one who wanted to go the library," he says, following me out the door.

"Don't try to put this on me!" I yell, spinning around.

"Okay fine, Sabrina. This is all my fault. Is that what you wanted to hear?" he asks and his voice is still irritatingly calm.

"No, actually, I just never want to hear the sound of your voice again!" I yell.

Gabe mimes locking his lips and throws away the key.

"You are so frustrating!" I shout, turning back around and almost colliding with Patrick.

"Leave her alone," he hisses and Gabe only laughs.

"As if you could do something about it," he mutters, before walking off.

"We've been looking all over for you, Sabrina."

"Why? What's going on?" I ask slowly.

"Well, we've all heard a couple of things and seen some pictures..." Patrick says trailing off.

"Patrick, I did not kiss Gabe.You believe me...don't you?" I ask uncertainly.

After his outburst at lunch the other day, I'm not sure about anything anymore.

"I...yeah I believe you Sabrina. You should probably go find Sisky though," he suggests.

Oh no.

I take off running in the direction of Sisky's second period class and run into him just as he's walking in the door.

"Sisky, wait!" I yell frantically.

Sisky turns and looks around before finally meeting my eyes. I watch his emotions go from, surprise, to anger and then finally hurt.

"Um, Sisky we need to-" I begin, nervously.

"Sabrina, this isn't the time," Sisky says quietly, looking back and forth between me and the classroom.

"But I need to-" I try again, reaching for his arm.

Sisky moves away and I look at him in confusion.

"I don't think we should do this anymore," he mutters, before walking into the classroom.

"Shit!" I yell, kicking the wall.

After School

"Sabrina, calm down. William will be here any minute," Victoria says softly.

I am currently nervously pacing in front of my house, waiting for William to arrive.

"How am I supposed to calm down? Gabe is ruining my fucking life and William's not even here!" I yell.

"Sabrina, come sit down," Patrick says, patting the space on my porch next to him.

I shake my head and run a frantic hand through my hair. William finally strolls up to my house ten minutes later with his arm around Stacey.

"Sorry, I'm late, I-" he begins.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" I hiss, wasting no time.

William blushes, "we kind of got caught up in the moment and-"

I roll my eyes and turn back towards my house, causing William to stop.

"Sabrina, is everything okay?" he asks cautiously.

"No, William everything is not okay, but you're to busy sucking face with Stacey to notice!" I shout angrily.

I push open the door to my house and my mom gives me an uneasy look.

"Sweetie, is everything okay?"

"No, mom. I'm having a bad day. Sisky won't talk to me, Bill's a jackass, I have fifty pages of homework-" I begin ranting but Patrick nudges me in my side.

"Sorry...I just...I feel like I'm about to explode and my best friend doesn't even care," I mutter.

My mom immediately glances at William and frowns when she sees Stacey.

"Who are you?" she asks politely.

"I'm Stacey," she answers, holding out her hand for my mother to shake.

Instead of shaking it, my mom just frowns deeper, "well, I hope you feel better soon Sabrina."

We all trudge up the stairs to my room and stare awkwardly at Stacey.

"Stacey, I think you should go," Victoria says.

Stacey glances at William who bites his lip.

"Why can't she stay?"

"Because I don't like her," I say flatly.

"That's not fair! You haven't even given her a chance!" he retorts, pulling Stacey closer.

"It's my room, my rules," I answer angrily.

"You're being ridiculous!"

"And you're thinking with your cock!"

"Guys, stop!" Patrick and Victoria yell in unison.

I sigh and cross my arms and send William a glare.

"Stacey, I really think you should leave," Patrick suggests.

Stacey stands up to leave, but William grabs her hand.

"You don't have to go, Stacey."

"Will, it's fine. I'll see you later," Stacey murmurs.

Stacey gives William a kiss that lasts ridiculously long, before leaving.

"What the hell is your problem, Sabrina?!" William shouts angrily.

I don't answer and instead stare at the ground because I don't know what my problem is.

"Sabrina, I'm sorry, I know you're having a bad day-"

Instantly my thoughts go back to Sisky.

"I miss Sisky," I groan, burying my face in my hands.

William immediately comes to my side and puts his arm around me.

"He wasn't good enough for you anyway," he mutters.

"You don't think anyone's good enough for her," Patrick points out and he and Victoria start snickering.

I roll my eyes and reach for my bag, remembering English class.

The assignment from hell.

"Oh don't worry about that. Patrick and I'll do that and you and Bill can call Sisky," Victoria says, already pulling out a pen.

"Why do I have to call him?" William whines.

"Because-" Victoria begins.

"Oh my god!" my mom yells from downstairs and I run down the stairs.

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This chapter would have come a lot sooner but...TAI is extremely distracting!