The City Is at War

Chapter 21

"I wanna go home," I whine, as soon as Sisky and I slide into a booth at The Amulet.

"We just got here Sabrina," Sisky says, picking up a menu.

"This place reeks of sluts and sex and you know it," I mutter.

Sisky laughs and calls over the waitress. Her name tag says Veronica and she smiles at Sisky for a moment to long.

"What would you like, honey?" she asks, batting her eyelashes.

Sisky orders a hamburger and fries and the waitress begins to walk away despite my desperate calls.

"Waitress!" Sisky calls and she immediately turns around.

I roll my eyes and Sisky begins to explain that I haven't ordered yet.

"I'll have what he's having," I hiss, glaring at Veronica.

"I don't think you can afford to put on anymore pounds. I'll order you a salad," she says, smiling and walking away.

What the fuck?

I stand up, intent on killing that waitress, but Sisky grabs my arm, "Sabrina, calm down."

"Did you hear what she just said to me?!" I exclaim, pulling my arm out of his grasp.

"Sabrina, just sit back down."

"I'm not gonna let her get away with that!" I yell.

Veronica walks back into the room holding both of our plates and I shove the salad into her face and storm out of the restaurant. Sisky comes running out of the restaurant and grabs my arm again.

"So you couldn't even pretend to defend me?!" I hiss, twisting out of his grip.

"I didn't want to ruin our date but..." Sisky trails off as Veronica runs out of the Amulet.

She spots Sisky and I and walks over to us.

"My boss fired me because of you!" she screams, pointing directly to Sisky.

"What?" I ask, dumbfoundedly.

"You're stupid boyfriend told my boss that I was disturbing you and he fired me!" she screams angrily.

I blush and look down at the floor, muttering a small "oh." Veronica slaps Sisky across the face and walks angrily away.

I groan and pull Sisky into a hug, "I'm such an idiot."

Sisky smiles and pulls away, rubbing the spot on his cheek where he had been slapped. I kiss Sisky's cheek and we both smile.

"Does that feel any better?"

"Yeah," he murmurs, staring unabashedly at my lips.

I blush and grab Sisky's hand, "walk me home?"

Sisky nods enthusiastically and we walk the two blocks to my house.

What happened to my pretty little car you ask?

My mom thought it was a bad idea for me to drive in my "condition".

Cue the eye rolling.

"That pre-date didn't turn out so well huh?" I mutter, walking up my front steps with Sisky right behind me.

"Yeah, but we'll keep practicing, right?" he asks, turning to face me on my porch.

"Yeah. Um, look I'm really sorry I yelled at you back there, I-" I begin nervously.

"You don't have apologize," Sisky interrupts.

I sigh in relief and kiss Sisky's cheek again, "I'm sorry-"

Sisky kisses me on the lips, softly at first and then much more demanding. He tightens his grip on my waist with one hand and entangles the other in my hair. I throw my arms around his neck kissing back just as passionately, when my mom pushes open the front door.

"Well, hello," she laughs, a huge smile on her face.

"Mom," I groan, turning bright red.

"Were you two making-"

"Mom!,"I yell.

"Okay, okay. We'll see you later, Adam," she says brightly.

Sisky says bye to my mom and kisses me once more, before walking off. My mom doesn't even blink.

"I think William is a better guy for you," she says, walking back into the house.

"Bill has a girlfriend, mom," I say, pulling a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Or even that nice Gabriel boy," she mumbles to herself. "Mom!"
♠ ♠ ♠ guys are awesome.
I wasn't even planning on updating until this weekend, but then I read your comments. =]