The City Is at War

Chapter 23 Part 2

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I hiss, shutting my bedroom door behind me.

"What ever do you mean?" Gabe asks, smiling innocently.

I roll my eyes and collapse on my bed, while Gabe sits down on a chair.

"Fine, whatever, Gabe. Just...what do you want?" I ask lazily, letting my eyes slip closed.

The bed springs creak and I slowly open one eye, to find Gabe hovering over me.

He smirks, "I didn't expect you to give in so easily."

"That's not what I meant, you jackass," I hiss, pushing him off the bed.

"Okay, okay. I know this isn't what you want to hear but-" he begins.

"Then don't say it. I don't need anything else to worry about. All this shit with Bill and Sisky is happening so fast and I just need to figure things out. I don't want to make a mistake and ruin everything," I whisper, looking over at Gabe sitting cross-legged on the floor.

So maybe Gabe is the wrong person to be talking to. Maybe he is an arrogant asshole who only cares about himself, but it's worth shot. Gabe stands, sits down on the bed and puts one arm around me.

He sighs, "don't worry so much. It'll work out in the in the end."

"What if it doesn't?" I ask quietly, looking up at him.

"You'll always have me," he smiles and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he means it.

Of course at this moment, Gabe seems like the perfect guy. Albeit the most unlikely choice for me, Gabe always knows what to say. I mean here he was making me feel a thousand times better, with just four words.

I scoot closer to Gabe on my bed and he leans down so that our faces are centimeters apart. Gabe places his free hand on my cheek and kisses me softly. I pull away and smile, my arms around his neck. He smiles and places multiple kisses on my neck, just as someone knocks on my door.

"Sabrina, are you in there?" my mom asks cautiously.

Gabe stops and gives me a nervous look and I groan, "Yeah, mom, what is it?"

"William wants to give you a gift!" she answers excitedly.

"Bill's here?" I exclaim, sitting up straighter.

"Yes, now get down here!" she shouts, before I hear her retreating footsteps.

"Shit, Gabe, I've gotta go," I say quickly, before bolting down the stairs.

I walk into the living room, and find William standing on a makeshift stage. He smiles and blushes when he sees me and then motions for me to sit down. I sit down on the nearest couch, next to Victoria and Patrick.

A brown-haired girl hands William a microphone, before returning to her position next to Sisky. Hm.

"Is he going to-" I ask uncertainly, choosing to ignore the girl for now.

William clears his throat and winks at me, before introducing the song.

For the next 3 minutes and 30 seconds, William sings. His voice is nothing short of angelic. The entire room is filled with wide eyes and open mouthed stares.

William steps off the stage after the song is over, smiling wide and pulls me off the couch.

"Sabrina I...I really wanted to-"

"I know Bill," I murmur, enveloping him into a hug.
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There's only one more part left to Chapter 23. After that there will only be a few more chapters.