The City Is at War

Chapter 23 Part 3

For the next couple of hours, Bill and I sit together, occasionally joined by friends, as the party slowly winds down. We talk about nothing in particular and avoid the most obvious topics. So when Sisky walks over with an unmistakable fear in his eyes, I don't feel guilty, although I should.

"I just wanted to say bye," he answers slowly, glancing between William and I.

"So soon?" I ask, pouting.

Sisky smiles sympathetically, "yeah, I have a family dinner."

"I can give you a ride," I suggest, already standing up.

"Don't worry about it, Kate's giving me a ride," Sisky says, gesturing to the brunette from earlier.

I narrow my eyes, "I can-"

"Sabrina, I don't want you to go out of your way. Kate lives-"

"I don't care where Kate lives. Just let me give you a ride, Sisky," I hiss.

"Sabrina, jealousy does not look good on you," William laughs, pulling me back down onto his lap.

I turn bright red, "Shut up!"

"Sabrina, I'll see you-" Sisky begins.

"I can give you a ride and stay for dinner. That way, I won't be going out of my way," I suggest.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to be meeting the family?" William asks.

"William!" I yell, punching his arm.

"I'll see you at school," Sisky laughs, before walking away.

"Could you be anymore of an asshole?!" I exclaim, jumping off of William's lap.

"I can turn it up a notch just for you," he retorts, following me as I walk up the stairs.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout.

"You! You are what is wrong with me!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I hiss, pushing open the door to my room.

"You keep playing these games-"

"Me?! I'm not the one who started PMSing every time I looked at you."

"Because every time I tried to tell you how I felt, you never listened. And shit Sabrina, it hurts to see you with him."

I sigh and sit down on my bed, "he's my boyfriend what do you want me to do?"

William crosses his arms and turns away from me, suddenly becoming interested in my CD collection.

"Are you gonna talk to me?" I ask.

William doesn't answer.

"Fine, Bill. We won't talk about it. We'll just let this stupid thing hang over us and slowly destroy our friendship," I say evenly, grabbing my phone off of the dresser.

It flashes once, signaling new messages.


"Sorry Bill, gotta check my messages."

I push a few buttons and press the phone to my ear, waiting for the message to begin.

The message I hear shakes me and fills me with terror. Even the deepest darkest corner of my soul is filled with fear. I sit afraid and frozen with fear and William's eyes widen.

"What's wrong, Sabrina? Who's on the phone?" he asks frantically.

"M-m-my father," I manage to choke out.
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way, I always thought the song that Bill was singing in the last chapter would be About A Girl. I kind of forgot to mention that.