The City Is at War

Chapter 24

"What did he say to you Sabrina? You have to tell us," Patrick says urgently.

It's about an hour later and everyone William thought to call is in my living room. Everyone except my mother. According to Casey, she's out on a date.


I sit on a couch, Casey, Patrick, Victoria and Bill hovering over me and stare at the wall.

"Sabrina please say something," Victoria begs.

"She's been like this ever since she got the message," William says quietly.

Casey kneels down in front of me and puts both hands on my shoulder, "Is he coming here?"

I shake my head fiercely and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Now do you think you can tell me what daddy said?" Casey asks, trying to hide his smirk.

I slap Casey's arm, "I'm not five years old!"

"She's back!" Casey announces and the entire room is filled with applause.

"He's getting married...this Saturday," I say cautiously, as Casey's eyes widen.

"So soon?!" he exclaims.

"He wants us there. He's sending plane tickets," I continue tonelessly.

"There's no way in hell we're going to that wedding," Casey mutters.

Instead of telling him the truth, that I do in fact plan on going, I just nod.

"I'm not gonna let him-" Casey begins, as my mom pushes open the door, kissing some guy.

"My kids wouldn't notice if you came upstairs for just a little while," she murmurs, her back to us.

"I think we would notice," Casey hisses.

"Whoa, our mom's a cougar," I laugh.

"Shit mom, could that dress be any shorter?" Casey continues.

"He must be half your age mom."

"I bet-"

"You guys are pushing it," she hisses, turning bright red.

"Are these your kids?" the guy asks.

He has relatively long blond hair and he speaks with a noticeable accent.

"An Aussie?" I ask curiously.

"You couldn't find anyone from this country?" Casey smirks.

"Casey, you're grounded."

"I told you, I'm already moving out."

I turn to Casey, my brow furrowed in confusion, "You're what?"

", tell us about him," Casey says nervously.

"Right well, his name's Michael and we've been dating for two months-"

"This family is so fucked up and you're leaving?! You know what, fuck you Casey!"I scream, storming out of the house.

I walk angrily down the street, fury blinding my vision.

"Sabrina! Sabrina, wait!" Patrick calls, running after me, William and Victoria close behind.

"What?! What the fuck do you want?" I yell.

Williams puts his arm around me and Patrick mumbles that everything will be okay.

"No it won't! How can you think that?! You guys are so fucking stupid-" I shout, fighting against William's grip.

"Sabrina, calm down! We'll take you home and fix things," Victoria says in her most soothing voice.

The voice works and I stop fighting against William.

"I'm not going back," I say firmly.

"Where else can you go?" Patrick asks, quietly.

"I was hoping one of you would..." I trail off as Victoria and Patrick shake their heads.

I turn to Bill reluctantly and sigh, "I know we're not-"

"Of course you can stay with me," he says, smiling wide.

Victoria immediately frowns, "your parents would be okay with that?"

"Yeah, they love Sabrina," he answers enthusiastically.

"Then I'm sure they wouldn't mind if Patrick came over," she continues, giving Patrick a pointed glare.

"No, I don't think they'd mind."

"What are you doing?" I hiss, pulling Victoria to the side.

"You think I trust you and Bill alone together?"

"You think I'm using this as an excuse to cheat on Adam?! Is that what you think of me?" I ask incredulously.

I spin around and grab Bill's hand, not waiting for a response.

"Let's go," I mutter.

William looks between Victoria and I before pulling me forward, with Patrick not far behind.
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Only four more chapters =[