The City Is at War

Chapter 26

"He's not here Patrick!" I yell angrily.

I was standing under the small oak tree that Adam had always waited for me by, after school. Problem was, he wasn't here.

"You guys just had a fight, I don't see why-" Patrick begins, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"I need to tell him that I'm leaving, that's why!"

Patrick sighs, "have you told Bill yet?"

"I will! At my house tonight. You should come," I add, almost desperate to wipe the frown off of Patrick's face.

Patrick nods, just as Adam walks over, looking slightly nervous.

"Make you sure you tell them."

Patrick walks off and Adam rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Victoria told me you were um...dealing with some family stuff and couldn't stay at your house. I was acting-"

I pull Adam into a hug, "Can we just forget about this whole stupid thing?"

"Yeah, sure. C'mon let's go to my house," Adam suggests, lacing his hand in my mine.

I knew exactly what it meant, Adam had been suggesting it for weeks. His parents weren't home and he wanted to go further. I had always declined but today I nod and ignore his shocked face. I was going to enjoy my last day with him.

"I'm bored!" I announce, my head draped across Adam's lap.

He was sitting cross-legged on his bed, fingers dangerously close to my breasts. Of course his hands had never wandered while he watched Monsters Inc.

Adam looks down at me as if for the first time and smiles.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask lazily.

"You're beautiful," he murmurs, leaning down to kiss me.

His hand finally slides over to my left breast and I start laughing.

Adam pulls away and stares at me confusion, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing," I smirk, kissing him again.

He shrugs and pushes me back on the bed, a devilish grin on his face.

"Where were we?"

Adam leans back down and pushes his lips against mine. He tangles one of his hands in my hair and uses the other to grab my ass.

I'm no virgin but....should I really do this?

He stops for a split second to pull the hoodie over my head, as I do the same to him.

I should tell him first.

"Adam don't," I try, but he just moves his lips to my bare collarbone.

"Stop," I try again.

"I won't," he whispers, completely misunderstanding me.

Adam reaches for my bra, lust dancing in his eyes and I slap his arm away.

"Did I do something-" he begins frantically, immediately sitting up.

"Shit Adam, I'm trying to tell you something! I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow!" I shout.

"And I don't know when I'll be back but-"

"Get out," he says quietly, rolling off of me.


"Get out of my house!" he yells, his back to me.

I cross my arms, "I'm not leaving things like this."

I take a few steps forward and reach for his shoulder and he spins around, pain in his eyes.

"Do you hate me Sabrina?"

"No of course not," I answer quickly.

"Then why do you keep doing shit like this to me?"

When I don't answer he continues, "I don't....let's break up."

"Adam, I don't see why-" I begin, utterly confused.

"I don't want to do this anymore," he mumbles, handing me William's hoodie.

I pull the hoodie on and stare at him in confusion, "but Adam we can-"

"I'm sorry," he mutters.

I turn around and walk out of his room and then out of the house, mentally cursing myself.

I walk the ten blocks from Adam's house to my own, fighting back tears.

I make it halfway home before the tears start falling.
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I don't want to have to that '5 comments and I'll update' thing but seriously...? 71 subscribers and only 3 comments?

Anyway, two more chapters left