The City Is at War

Chapter 27

I push open the door, brushing the tears away, but it's too late, Bill has already seen them.

"Hey Bill, did my mom let you in?" I ask casually, as William walks over to me.

"What happened?" he asks, ignoring my question.

"Well, I...had to walk all the way home!"

William raises an eyebrow and I sigh, "Adam and I broke up."

There's no mistaking the small smile tugging at his lips.

"Actually, he broke up with me...kind of broke my heart," I add, instantly wiping the smile from his face.

"Why would-"

"I told him I was leaving," I say quietly.

"You're what?!" he hisses, confusion and even a little anger in his eyes.

"I'm going to Mason's wedding and I wanted-"

"Why would you-"

"Bill, I need to do this okay? I need to make sure he's changed. And I need you to support me. Please," I say letting the words spill from me.

As tears brim in my eyes, William pulls me into him, stroking my hair.

"I support you okay? I just wish you'd have told me sooner," he mutters, kissing my forehead.

"Hey," a quiet voice mumbles from behind me.

I turn around, still in Bill's arms and face Victoria.

"Bill get off."

"No," he says, tightening his grip on my waist.

I roll my eyes and glance at Victoria expectantly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," she mutters.

I frown, "I'd give you a hug but someone won't let go."

"Sabrina! Get in here!" my mom yells from the kitchen.

Bill and I walk (if you can call it that) to the kitchen, where my mom's sitting at the table holding an envelope.

"You're not going," she says simply, standing up.


"I changed my mind," she continues.

"You can't do that!" I shout, reaching for the envelope.

She moves it out of my reach and sighs, "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"Mom, you can't protect me forever! I'll be fine on my own, you just have to let me go."

"You'll call everyday?" she asks, after a long silence.

I nod and she smiles, "even before you call him?"

She points to William and I laugh, "of course."

"Sabrina, that's not fair," William whines.

"It's your"

"My hair?" he asks, self consciously reaching up to touch his hair.

Seeing my chance to escape Bill's embrace, I run out of the kitchen and into the living room. I freeze as soon as I see what's on the couch.

William runs right into me, "Wh-"

He stops when he follows my gaze to the couch.

"Holy shit," William mutters.

Patrick and Victoria are making out on my couch.

William gently pulls me back into the kitchen and my mom gives us a confused look.

"What's wrong?"

"Patrick and Victoria. Making out. With each other."

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm uh...still in shock," William mutters.

"Patrick and Bill can take the floor and-" I order, already pointing out spots on the floor in my room.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Victoria interrupts, already sitting next to Patrick.

"Ew," William whispers into my ear.

"I know," I mutter, before turning back to Victoria.

"Look, I don't want to sleep alone on my last night, Victoria."

"I'll sleep with you," William says, jumping up from the floor.

He slides into the bed and pats the space next to him, smiling happy.

"You guys are disgustingly cute," Victoria laughs.

I sit down next to Bill, just as his phone starts ringing.

"Hello?...Whoa slow I'm not...yeah but...stop crying...Stacey...I can't...that's not fair."

William walks out of the room, still talking into the phone and Victoria stands.

"I would never eavesdrop. I just...dropped something over there," she says slowly, inching her way to the door.

"When were you going to tell me that you two were dating?" I ask abruptly, crossing my arms.

Victoria freezes and Patrick blushes, "Wh-"

"Bill and I saw you guys making out. Gross by the way."

"Hey, I don't think Patrick is gross! He's-"

William pushes open the door looking dazed and everyone turns to face him.

"Stacey and I just broke up."

Patrick and Victoria begin clapping and William rolls his eyes.

"You guys need to grow up," he mutters, sitting on my bed.

"Says the boy who has Winnie the Pooh PJ's," I laugh.

"Hey, those aren't mine!"
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter!

Oh FTSJenna, yes there will be a sequel. It's most likely going to be called You're Still My Favorite Melody.