The City Is at War

Chapter 5

The next day, Patrick and William notice how upset I am. William, who’s in most of my classes, clings to me and tries (desperately) to make me feel better. He and Patrick come to my house every day after school and I start to feel better, until I bump into Gabe one afternoon. William has done a good job of helping me avoid Gabe, but it’s inevitable. I literally run into him, while I’m heading to my locker.

“Sorry,” I mumble, before I realize who it is.

Gabe doesn’t say anything and I remember the last thing he said to me.

“Gabe, I’m uh-”

“What, you gonna say you’re sorry? Save it,” he mutters, before turning back to his locker.

William pulls me away, “What was that all about?”

“Nothing. Really,” I add, when he raises an eyebrow.

We drive to my house in silence and my mom grins when we walk in the door.

"You’ve only been here for three weeks and you already have a boyfriend.”

William and I blush, “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“All in due time,” she chirps.

“Let’s go upstairs. Now,” I demand, pulling William upstairs.

“Sorry about her.”

“Don’t be, it’s actually really funny,” he laughs.

“When your mom says something weird, I won’t laugh!”

William doesn’t even respond, he’s too busy laughing his ass off.

“Fine, then I’ll just kick your ass,” I say, tackling William to the ground.

Of course my mom chooses this moment to walk by. She giggles girlishly, which causes William to laugh even harder.

“Aren’t we a cute couple, Ms.Serrano?” William manages to call out in between his laughter.

“Absolutely! Well, I’ll just leave you two alone,” she says happily.

She lets out one last squeal, before closing my door.

“You are such a jackass,” I mutter, resting my head on his chest.

“It’s one of my best qualities,” he murmurs.

William wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't like this you?
If I start to call William, Bill, will that be too confusing? Answer in comments.