The City Is at War

Chapter 7

As soon as the bell rings, I corner Amy in the hallway.

“Amy, I’m-”

“My name’s not Amy,” the girl says slowly.

I sigh impatiently, “Names are not important. I’m going to kill-”

Jon and another boy walk over and Jon gives her a kiss on the cheek, “hey, babe.”

She blushes, “Can we, um do this later?”

Jon glares at me, before pulling her away and leaving his friend behind. His exceptionally good looking friend.

“Hey, I’m Adam Siska,” the boy says, smiling.

“Sabrina Serrano.”

“So you’re the girl who punched Gabe?” he asks curiously.

The power of the text message.

I nod and Adam pats me on the back, “sweet!”

“Really? You don’t think I’m crazy?!” I exclaim.

“No way! I think you’re cool,” Adam says smiling brighter.

I blush and stare into Adam’s dark brown eyes.

“Well, I gotta go to class, I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, um, later, Adam,” I mutter dreamily.

“Call me Sisky!” he calls from down the hall.

Later that day

“Do you know a guy named Adam Siska?” I ask suddenly.

William and I are sitting at the lunch table, listening to Patrick’s conversation.

“Yes,” he answers slowly.

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

“Why do you even care?” he hisses.

“Why do you care that I care?” I shoot back.

William blushes and begins stuttering when Jon’s girlfriend walks over.

“Um, I’m Victoria, and Jon says I should stay away from you but-” she begins nervously.

“Why did you tell Mr.Stertz to make Gabe and I work together on the Shakespeare project?!” I interrupt angrily.

“What?!” William, Victoria, and even Patrick, exclaim in unison.

“Did I forget to mention that?”

“Look, Sabrina, I didn’t tell Mr.Stertz anything and I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Nice to meet you by the way,” Victoria answers cheerily.

“Oh…I’m sorry,” I mutter.

“Don’t be. People always think I’m doing stuff like that ‘cause I’m Jon’s girlfriend.”

“How long have you two been together?” I ask curiously.

"Why are you so interested in Jon?” William asks, without meeting my eyes.

“No reason.”

William mutters something under his breath and leaves the lunchroom.

“So, Victoria you’re in my art class right?” I ask.

Patrick gives me an annoyed look and I groan, “I didn’t do anything.”

“Apparently you did,” he retorts.

“Maybe you should apologize Sabrina,” Victoria chimes in.

“Apologize for what!?” I exclaim.

Patrick’s eyes widen, “he hasn’t told you yet!”

“Told me what?!”

Patrick whispers something in Victoria’s ear and runs after William.

Victoria gives me a knowing smile, “That is so cute Sabrina.”

“What the hell is so freaking cute?!” I scream angrily.

“Um, look there’s Gabe.”

“Don’t change the-” I begin.

“Gabe! Hey Gabe, come here!” Victoria calls out hastily.

Gabe walks over, smiles at Victoria and ignores me.

“You and Sabrina should-” she tries.

“Sabrina attacked me,” he interrupts.

“But she’s sorry!”

Gabe immediately turns to face me, “is that true?”

I roll my eyes, “um, n-”

“Sabrina, the project,” Victoria hisses in my ear.

“Yeah, I’m uh, really sorry,” I mutter.

Gabe stares at me for a second, before smiling brightly, “I’m not one to hold a grudge so, come to my house at 5:30. We can work on the project.”

Gabe reaches into my pocket, “What are you doing!?” I hiss, slapping his arm.

Gabe smirks and pulls my cell phone out and puts my number in his phone.

“I’ll text the address later.”

Gabe gives me my phone and walks back to his friends.

“Aren’t I awesome?” Victoria asks happily.

“How the fuck did you do that?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sisky Biz!!!! =]