The City Is at War

Chapter 9 Part 1

After checking my appearance for the tenth time, I finally gather up enough courage to ring Gabe’s doorbell. Before I can ask myself why I’ve been primping for the past five minutes, Gabe opens the door.

“Hey!” he says brightly.

I try to ignore the fact that Gabe isn’t wearing a shirt, and smile nervously. He pulls me inside and up the stairs.

“So…um what play should we rewrite?” I ask, trying not to look at Gabe’s chest.

“I don’t know. Something that isn’t boring.”

“Let’s do something with meaning,” I suggest.

“Or something fun,” he mutters, pulling a shirt over his head.

Without thinking I let out a small moan and Gabe smirks, “Like what you see?”

I turn away and fold my arms, “I’ve seen better.”

Gabe laughs, but keeps his shirt off. The atmosphere seems much lighter than usual and we end up talking and laughing for the next half hour.

“I never thought that we’d actually be talking like this,” I mutter.

Gabe smiles, “yeah.”

Gabe and I stare into each others eyes and I’m not thinking about how weird it is. I’m thinking about how hot Gabe looks with his shirt off and-. No, I don’t like Gabe. I’m only here for a project. A stupid, stupid, project.

“So do you know who gave Mr.Stertz the idea?” I ask, moving away from Gabe.

Crisis averted.

Gabe frowns, “um, yeah.”

“I should thank him though. I mean, we would never be talking like this if it wasn’t for him,” he continues thoughtfully.

Gabe moves closer to me and puts one hand on my cheek.

Crisis not so averted.

It takes me a second to push him away, but I do, eventually.

“I should get going,” I mutter, grabbing my books.

“We haven’t even started yet, Sabrina,” Gabe reasons.

“I’d rather take an F.”

“Oh please, you know you want me.”

I blush and turn away, “You wish.”

I give Gabe one last glare, which he returns with a smirk, and stomp angrily out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maybe I should do a part two. This chapter seems kinda short and cliché.