Lips Like Morphine

Problems In The KH Kamp

Mat slipped the eyeliner in his pocket then checked himself in the mirror.
Yes, he though, I am God.
Kill Hannah had played fucking brilliantly that night and the fans had gone crazy. Mat smiled at the thought of all those people just worshipping him, like he’d once idolised his favourite bands.
Mat Devine felt on top of the world and now he was gonna par-tay with his best mates in the world, his family, his heroes – his band.
Except Jonny.
There was something up with him and this was the only thing that was causing Mat and grief. He shook it off and left the bathroom. Walking along the corridor, he began to whistle, but he was soon drowned out by the music being emitted at high volume from the Kill Hannah dressing room.
He opened the door and Greg welcomed him with a bear hug.
“Maty! Y’know, I really love you…”
“Get off you fucking fairy. You’re pissed already!”
“Well, lunch-time drinks, prep drinks, pre-show drinks, after-show drinks, celebration drinks and now this…it all adds up!”
Greg then giggled and went to jump on Elias, who was trying to play Twister with a couple of the crew guys. Mat went and patted Dan on the back.
“I know I’ve already said, but well done tonight.”
“We owned that place!” Dan laughed.
”It’s cos we’re so damn hot!”
“You bet your ass. But things seemed pretty cold between you and ol’ Jonny boy. What’s up?”
“I’m not sure. He’s just been really fucking pissy with me for weeks.”
Dan clicked his tongue.
“I really don’t get him sometimes.”
“Me either. But fuck him. I’m gonna get me a beer..!” With that, Mat crossed the room and grabbed a bottle. He looked around and laughed as Greg continued to piss off the Twister players. A fight soon followed. Mat almost collapsed as Greg actually SLAPPED Dan for trying to pull him away.
For a minute, Dan stood there, twisting a piece of his long hair around his finger until he got an idea.
As he went to the make-up table to grab water bottles, he caught Jonny slipping in to get his jacket.
When Jonny ignored Dan’s invitation to join the festivities, Dan grabbed Jonny’s slender arm, only to have abuse thrown in his face.
Mat scowled as Jonny stormed out.
“Fucking childish.” Mat muttered as he followed out he door.
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Interested Much?
Chapter 2!