Lips Like Morphine

Breaking The Habit

As Kill Hannah continued to tour, Mat and Jonny found it difficult to just be friends. So, after each time they shared a room, Mat vowed never again.
But he made this vow everytime.
He could stop himself and Jonny felt exactly the same.
They were addicted to each other. They knew it was wrong, they knew it was all risky, but they couldn’t control that urge to slip into the other’s bedroom. It took over.
Of course, nights on the tour bus, they problem was resolved. But if they had the luxury of actual bedrooms, it was just irresistible.
Mat would burst into tears everytime he hung up after talking to Forest on the phone. The others understood, they thought he was just missing her. But Jonny knew it was the sound of her voice made him feel guilty and it got at him.
That same guilt ate away at Jonny and he felt just as lousy now as he had done when he was heartbroken. As the months drew on, Mat and Jonny finally talked about what was going to happen.
“We have to stop. Just have to.” Jonny sighed.
“Of course we do.” Mat snapped. “We should of stopped months ago.” But you can’t stop love he thought.
He loved Forest as well though.
Why was life so confusing? Why was his heart playing these games with him?
“We will forget everything, I can’t let you ruin what you’ve got with Forest. And I refuse to be part of it either. If we can’t even be friends, we’ll just have to hate each other.”
“I still want to be at wedding though.” Jonny stated.
“Yeh, okay. I’ll always remember this Jonny, what we’ve shared.”
“Of course Mat, of course.”
Time flew by and the boys returned home to chill out in the few weeks before the big day.
Except Mat. He of course was dragged into last minute wedding arrangements, but in truth, he didn’t mind. Still so wracked with guilt, from his unfaithfulness and how he’d escaped from the agony of the bulk planning, he was easily commanded and did whatever he had to do. He comforted Forest when things got too much and he made sure everything was done to the best standard.
Going back to the apartment in Chicago and spending all his time with Forest made him realise how much he loved her, how much he needed her and he soon thought forgetting Jonny would be easy enough done.

Finally, the big day came.
Forest’s friends and family flew in from England and everyone was buzzing. Mat had insisted on having all four of his band mates as his best men and he also asked Garret to stand by his side as well. The wedding wasn’t a huge thing, but it was fun and everything looked perfect.
Only the closest friends and family were at the back-yard wedding, but everyone came to the party afterwards. Just like at the engagement party all those months before, everyone got pissed and went crazy.
“Really,” Forest said as she sat on Mat’s lap, both of them drinking strong whiskeys that had been a present from Forest’s good friend Jake, “It wouldn’t be our wedding if it was any other way.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 13...

I fancy some comments.

It's be awful nice if you'd write a couple of words.
Like it, dislike it, ideas for the storyline...
Anything appreciated.

: )