Lips Like Morphine


Tash was outraged that Forest insisted Mat go back on tour the minute they returned from the honeymoon.
“What the fuck Forest! You just got married! You’re entitled to time together.”
She sat on the bed as Forest continued to un-pack.
They’d gone to London for week and had had the best time ever.
“To be honest Tash, I want to hold him and never let go. But that’s just selfish. Remember how you and me got seriously pissed off about the really hot guys in bands getting married and then quitting to have families? On top of that, we were incredibly jealous of the wives and grew to hate them for stealing away our boys. Well, I don’t want kids to hate me, y’know? I’m thinking, I send Mat back out there, then they’ll think ‘Wow, they just got married, but she’s insisted Mat plays for us. She’s not such a heartless bitch after all!’”
Tash just sighed.
“I suppose you’re right. Still kinda strange.”
Forest just laughed.

Meanwhile, Mat was running around, trying to get some feeling in his legs. He’d been driving ‘The Dirt Wagon’ for six hours straight, before Greg insisted Mat took a break.
As he ran, he thought about the week before.
Him and Forest had had the best time in London, exploring all the markets and streets, staying in bed until midday…it had been fantastic.
On top of that, he thought, he’d completely forgotten about Jonny, and everyone had been happy chums on the drive. There wasn’t any uncomfortable-ness and everything was normal.
Mat turned and ran back to the van. When he arrived back at the gas station, he felt a new lease of speed and sprinted to Dan who was hugging a huge bag that Mat could see was bulging with packets of Skittles.
“HURRAY!” Mat screamed and grabbed the bag from his friend. He leapt back into the driver’s seat and ripped into the first packet.
“Fucking Skittles monster! Made me have a heart attack!” Dan exclaimed as he climbed into the passenger seat. Everyone else piled into the back and Mat grasped the bag between his knees, as if to protect it from thieves.
Thieves being us! Dan thought to himself.
He waited until Mat drove back onto the road before he grabbed the bag. This didn’t make a difference.
“MAT! FUCKING DRIVE THE CAR YOU FUCKING MANIAC!” Elias and Greg screamed as Mat lunged at Dan, taking his hands from the wheel. He just stopped and looked innocently at the pair, who were gripping each other in fear. He held up his hands by his head and showed them how he could drive with his knees.
“Fucking jackass.” Greg muttered as he slapped Mat’s head. Mat just laughed.
“He’s right Maty, you’re too fucking obsessed with Skittles.” Jonny said.
“But they’re little bits of rainbow! Who can’t resist?!!”
They all sighed and reached to whack him round the head.
“Just drive Devine, drive!” Dan ordered and Mat muttered obscenities beneath his breath.
“And I’ll be having those!” Elias giggled as he reached into Dan’s lap to steal away the bag of Skittles. Dan turned and glared.
“What?!! They’re out of his reach if we have them back here!”
This was obviously fully supported by Jonny and Greg, who were already ripping open packets, causing Skittles to go everywhere.
“FUCKING PRICKS! You’re dropping them all!” Mat protested.
“How do you know?” Jonny sneered,
“Yeh, you can’t see us.” Greg said, equally as childish.
“No, but I can hear the sound of Skittles dropping on the floor, and I’d know that anywhere!” Mat whined.
“Of course, ‘cos you’re such a tramp, your ears are trained to hear Skittles drop, even in the most noisiest of places,” Elias teased,
“So you can scoop ‘em up and eat ‘em before someone stands on them.” Jonny finished the sentence.
“I do not! You fucking wankers, just give me Skittles! I’ll crash the car and we’ll all die and it’ll be your own faults!”
“NEVER!” came the reply.
“Why did I have to join the most immature band, why?!!” Dan sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahahah This Is Most Legend Chapter EVER.
Loved Writing It. :)
