Lips Like Morphine

10 More Minutes With You

It took a week before the band began whining they were tired and bored.
“How’s touring boring?” Dan tried to reason with them.
“Haha. Touring, boring. Dan, you made a rhyme!” Elias giggled. Cue Dan’s glare.
“I WANT MY WIFE!” Mat screamed. Whilst the others had stood in front of Dan (except Greg, who sat on the floor in front of the mirror), Mat had wandered round, humming to himself and poking at objects that he came across.
“Mat, stop acting like a little kid.” Greg sighed as he straightened his hair.
“BITCH! How many times have I told you not to use my straighteners?!!” Jonny lunged at Greg, which resulted in Jonny burning himself.
“Fuckfuckfuck!” he muttered as he ran out of the room to find a sink. Greg followed sheepishly to help him.
“Look, Dan,” Mat put his arm around his friend’s waist. It would be too uncomfortable to put his arm around his shoulders, as Dan was easily taller than Mat.
“Can I call in Forest, please?”
“Of course. It’s not up to me. Fucking hell, who put me in charge!”
“I’m gonna ring Tash and Zacky.” Elias grinned and slipped his phone out of his pocket.

“I got a text from some dude I used to know and he’s invited us to go party at his place.” Greg announced as Kill Hannah and friends sat in a booth in Starbucks.
“Hmm, New York coffee.” Dan smiled as the waitress served them.
“Where does he live?” Elias asked,”
“He has this place in Manhattan. It’s a fucking amazing house.” Greg answered.
“Wow, he rich or something?” Forest’s friend, Jacob exclaimed. He’d flown it after he’d been unable to make the wedding. Forest had been absolutely gutted, especially as she’d originally chosen Jacob to be her Not-Quite-Maid-Like-Maid of Honour. He’d easily fitted in with the ‘crew’ and had been invited by the guys to be a techie for them.
“Well, he’s a successful business man, but I don’t remember any more.” Greg shrugged.
“Hmm, very close friend, eh Greg?” Forest laughed.
“Well, since he’s offering us beds for the night as well, he’s my bestest buddy!”
“Well, you’ll have to give me the address, ‘cos me and Jonny have got to take this chick out to dinner.” He quickly explained as Forest glared at him,
“She’s a big, important person with the label and we’re gonna do some ass kissing to get some money off them for the rest of the tour.”
“Yeh, well Jonny better do all the kissing.” Forest muttered and attacked her muffin. Everyone burst into laughter.

The group spent most of the day shopping, until a radio presenter spotted the band whilst she stood outside her building, having a fag break.
“Oh my god! Kill Hannah! You guys haven’t got time to make a quick appearance on the show have you?”
“What can I say, the public loves me.” Jonny pouted and fluffed his hair as they entered the building.
“Hmm, only when you’re on radio though. On TV? Hey, then you just scare them…” Greg gave Elias a high five for this remark but Jonny just pushed Elias down the stairs.
“Oops!” he called dramatically.
The bickering continued that evening, as battles ensued over mirrors, make-up and hair products.
“This is the problem when you’re friends with fucking faggots!” Forest screamed as she discovered Jonny had used the last of her pink eye shadow.
“Darling, I need make-up more than you.”
“Oh don’t try and sweet talk your way out of this one Radtke, you’re fucked.” Forest scowled.
Meanwhile, Tash, Greg and Elias were wrestling over straighteners and Mat and Dan fought over eyeliner.
Jacob and Zacky had gone out to grab some ‘food for the animals’ as Jacob described it, and as they saw the chaos in the room, they burst into fits of giggles.
“You guys seriously need to get your own stuff!” Zacky gasped between laughs.
Eventually, everybody was ready, but cuss words were still mumbled over bruises and burns.
Greg, Dan, Elias, Jacob, Zacky, Tash and Forest piled into a taxi to head for Manhattan and all waved to Mat and Jonny, who caught a taxi to go to the restaurant where they’d meet the woman from the record label.

The dinner had gone well, but this also meant Jonny and Mat had got pissed. They had to go back to the trusty Dirt Wagon rather than straight to the party, because Mat needed to change his trainers.
They stumbled around in the dark of the van, searching for the more comfortable Nikes, until after a fit of giggles, Jonny tripped on Mat’s foot and they ended up in a heap on the floor. Drunken laughter in the dark became a kiss and Mat just groaned.
“No Jonny. No.” He went to get up.
“Mat, please. Just a few minutes.”
“But we’ve got to go...”
“I don’t care, I need 10 more minutes with you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh I Know It's Cheesy, But That Line HAD To Be Used.
So, I Like This Chapter - It's A Good Chapter.
But ZOMG Mat And Jonny Are Back To Having BumFun.
Trouble's A-Brewing And It Smells Tash-ie..!
