Lips Like Morphine

So This Is Goodbye.

Luckily, 'Batman' didn't have to save Mat. A nurse told the group that Forest was well enough to see them all and they left Mat with dirty glares and piercing words.
"It's okay Mat, it'll all work out, promise." Jonny said as he wrapped his arm around Mat's shoulders. Mat looked into Jonny's eyes and he looked desperate.
"How? I so desperately want it be normal, but it won't be, will it?"
Jonny sighed and looked at the floor. "I suppose it won't."

"Forest." Tash sighed with relief as she saw Forest sitting up slightly and simply awake.
"Hey Tash." she croaked in reply, "It's good to see you all."
There was an awkward silence as everyone stopped themselves from saying what they were all thinking.
"One of you just say it." Forest stated. "How could I be glad to see you after I failed suicide."
"What else could we think?!! We were terrified!" Greg cried.
"I'm sorry Greg. I shouldn't of run off from your place. I was just so, so..."
"Depressed, betrayed, we get it. I can understand WHY you did it, but we surely have the right to be angrily worried." Zacky smiled at her sympathetically.
"Oh Zacky..." Tears slid slowly down Forest's sallow cheeks from her blackened eyes. Zacky rushed to her and, sitting next to her, he took her up to cradle her in his arms. In seconds, everyone else joined him and everyone was sobbing in relief that their friend was alive.
"Don't leave us again." wiL muttered into Forest's shoulder.

Mat and Jonny had sat in almost silence, too tense to talk, but their group of ex-friends walked through the double doors into the waiting room, sniffing and drying their eyes.
"There out quick..." Jonny muttered.
"Exactly what I'm thinking..." Mat replied.
Max soon squared up and was at the point of the wolf pack.
"She wants to see you." he spat at Mat.
"Haven't a clue why, but she insisted." Dan added.
Mat stood up, his head bowed, refusing to meet their hurtful looks. He walked quickly but silently along what seemed the walk to death row.
As he entered the room, he breathed in relief as he saw Forest's head turned as she slept.
His only mistake was stopping to gaze at her regretfully. He turned to leave but Forest stopped him.
"Hey, I'm awake now..."
"Yeh...what is it?" Mat decided to get straight to the point.
"I wanted to let you now that this changes nothing." Forest said quietly.
"Don't worry, I got it."
Mat suddenly sat on the bed and rested his head on Forest's shoulder
"Is there really no way I can fix you?" Mat's voice cracked.
"No, no there's not." Forest slowly and carefully, she stroked Mat's hair. Just as quickly, she gently pushed him away.
"No Mat, I can't. It hurts, physically hurts. I can't, I can't see you again." She bowed her head away from Mat's gaze to try and hide the tears the fell down to her chest. Mat stepped back and hung his head in defeat.
"So this goodbye." Forest sucked it up and looked directly into Mat's deep brown eyes.
"Okay. Goodbye. I'm sorry and I love you. I always have. I always will. But please be happy, that's all I want." he almost ran from the room before Forest could reply.
"I love you too, so much." Forest whispered.
Just outside the door, Mat collapsed in a heap and sobbed. All the nurses nearby rushed to comfort him, but, overcome with guilt and grief, he pushed them out of the way, jumping to his feet. He ran past his friends, his Jonny, the pieces of his life and straight back to the apartment.

The next day, Mat opened the door to an anxious Jonny.
"What happened?" Jonny said, exasperated.
"We said goodbye." Mat stated straight-faced.
"And you...?"
"I still love her. But that's something that I'll have to live with and put away. You're my future Jonny." Before Jonny could show his surprise, Mat reached forward and pulled Jonny into a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I believe the end is truly in sight.
And everybody's gonna be happy.
Okay, I'm missing out on my number one, he's gone gay on me...but I'mma get my number two, so life'll be good.